Alexander Griffing
Alexander Griffing
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How Tucker Carlson's White Supremacy Denialism Is Taking Over the GOP - U.S. News

How Tucker Carlson's White Supremacy Denialism Is Taking Over the GOP - U.S. News

Mar 21, 2021 Mar 21, 2021As the Republican Party continues to convulse following its loss of the presidency and the violent pro-Trump siege of the Capitol, one voice is beginning to drown out all others: Fox News’ Tucker Carlson.The the top Republicans in Congress, Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell and House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy, are trying to stop a GOP civil war by oscillating between measured criticism of Trump’s behavior on January 6th and embracing the former president, his base and his fundraising cachet.But Carlson is going on the offensive, crafting the message that...

March 21, 2021
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How Trump’s War on Fox News Is Amplifying Conspiracy Theories and Antisemitism - U.S. News

How Trump’s War on Fox News Is Amplifying Conspiracy Theories and Antisemitism - U.S. News

Dec 16, 2020 Dec 16, 2020“Fox is fake news!” “Traitors!” “We Trusted You!” That was the reception Fox News correspondent Griff Jenkins received from fans of U.S. President Donald Trump during his rally in Valdosta, Georgia, on December 5.Four years earlier, Fox News was credited with helping Trump’s come-from-behind victory in the 2016 election. Now, the president’s supporters were for contributing to his downfall in 2020.Following loss to last month, and the rise of unfounded conspiracy theories about voter fraud as part of Trump’s efforts to subvert the outcome, the right-wing media...

December 14, 2020
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Former U.S. Ambassador Warns Trump Might Ditch NATO, 'Turning America's Back' on Israel - Israel News

Former U.S. Ambassador Warns Trump Might Ditch NATO, 'Turning America's Back' on Israel - Israel News

Nov 1, 2020 Nov 1, 2020A second term for U.S. President Donald Trump would threaten the future of NATO, embolden Russia’s role in the Middle East and put Israel in a tough situation, says former U.S. ambassador to Israel, Dan Shapiro, ahead of the 2020 election. told Haaretz that “ would be unlikely to survive a second Trump term,” noting that the 45th president has the United States from the influential alliance, which has served as a deterring force against ever since the days of the Cold War.According to Shapiro, the impact of such a withdrawal would “embolden an aggressive Russia, and...

October 30, 2020
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How Democrats Could Take Back the Senate – and What It Would Mean for Israel - Israel News

How Democrats Could Take Back the Senate – and What It Would Mean for Israel - Israel News

Sep 30, 2020 Sep 30, 2020The presidential race between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is drawing most attention in the U.S. media right now. But the fight for control of the Senate in November’s elections is just as important and fascinating as the battle for the White House.Republicans currently hold a 53-47 majority in the upper chamber, but are in striking distance of having a Senate majority for the first time since 2014.Thirteen of this year’s 35 senatorial contests are considered competitive, and in only two of them are the incumbents Democrats: Alabama, where Sen. Doug Jones is facing an...

September 29, 2020
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'Boogaloo' Explained: How an ’80s Movie Turned Into a Far-right Code for Civil War - World News

'Boogaloo' Explained: How an ’80s Movie Turned Into a Far-right Code for Civil War - World News

Jun 6, 2020 Jun 6, 2020As American politicians on the left and right accuse different groups for the violence engulfing U.S. protests over the killing of George Floyd, one far-right movement in particular continues to make headlines: the so-called Boogaloo Bois.U.S. President and his attorney general, Bill Barr, have insisted that the far-left Antifa “movement” is stoking the violence, with Trump vowing Sunday to (although it’s unclear who exactly, or by what legal mechanism).Conversely, Minneapolis Mayor tweeted Saturday that his city – the epicenter of the current wave of protests, and –...

June 6, 2020
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