Alana Goodman
Alana Goodman
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‘Not The Same Joe Biden’: White House Stenographer Says Former VP's 'Mental Acuity' Has Deteriorated

‘Not The Same Joe Biden’: White House Stenographer Says Former VP's 'Mental Acuity' Has Deteriorated

Joe Biden’s former White House stenographer said the vice president’s public speaking ability has deteriorated significantly since leaving office to the point where he’s "not the same Joe Biden." "It is a complete difference from what he was in 2017," Mike McCormick, who worked as a White House stenographer for 15 years and with Biden from 2011 to 2017, told the Washington Free Beacon in an interview. "He’s lost a step and he doesn’t seem to have the same mental acuity as he did four years ago." "He doesn’t have the energy, he doesn’t have the pace of his speaking," McCormick...

September 8, 2020
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UPenn Took $3 Million From Hong Kong Company With Ties to Chinese Government

UPenn Took $3 Million From Hong Kong Company With Ties to Chinese Government

The University of Pennsylvania pocketed a $3 million donation last year from a mysterious Hong Kong shell company that is owned by a Shanghai businessman with deep ties to Chinese government officials.The donation from Xu Xeuqing, who has no apparent connection to the University of Pennsylvania and was previously embroiled in a Shanghai public corruption scandal, raises questions about the true source of the money. Documents reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon show Xeuqing has close ties to the Chinese Communist Party.China has poured money into American universities in recent...

August 3, 2020
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For Biden Family, a History of Tax Problems

For Biden Family, a History of Tax Problems

ADVERTISEMENTHunter Biden hit with $450,000 tax lien last month, the latest in a series of tax problems for Biden family membersSHAREHunter Biden was hit with a $450,000 lien in July over delinquent state income taxes, which he paid off in six days despite having no discernible income. Last year, he told the court judge in his paternity case that he was broke and unemployed.The younger Biden owed $238,562.76 in state income taxes from 2017 and $215,328.16 in state income taxes from 2018, according to records from the District of Columbia’s Office of Tax and...

August 8, 2020
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Seattle to Hire 'Social Justice' Advocates for Administrative Roles

Seattle to Hire 'Social Justice' Advocates for Administrative Roles

ADVERTISEMENTLibrary, utilities administrators with six-figure salaries will work to advance "racial and social justice"SHAREThe city of Seattle is hiring "social justice" advocates to staff its administrative offices—and unlike private sector jobs, these positions aren’t subject to the city’s new tax on six-figure salaries.Library administrators, public utilities employees, and city auditors are just some of the positions Seattle is hiring for that have prerequisites of advancing "racial and social justice equality," according to city job postings.The job postings illustrate how...

July 15, 2020
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Dem Campaign Consulting Firms Took Millions In PPP Loans As They Cashed In On 2020 Election

Dem Campaign Consulting Firms Took Millions In PPP Loans As They Cashed In On 2020 Election

ADVERTISEMENTSHAREDemocratic campaign consultants have received millions in federal coronavirus relief funds even as they’ve taken in a windfall of fees from Democratic candidates and committees, according to government records released on Monday.Multiple firms working with Joe Biden's campaign—including Anzalone Research Inc. and Blue Wave Political Partners—received substantial loans from the Trump administration’s Paycheck Protection Program.Greenberg, Quinlan, Rosner (GQR), a political research firm founded by Bill Clinton’s longtime pollster Stanley Greenberg, also benefited from the...

July 8, 2020
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Companies Boycotting Facebook Continue to Advertise on Russian Social Media Platform

Companies Boycotting Facebook Continue to Advertise on Russian Social Media Platform

ADVERTISEMENTVK is popular among white supremacists, bans gay rights groupsSHAREAdvertisers that are now boycotting Facebook to protest "hate speech" have spent years running ads and marketing campaigns on a Russian social media platform that bans gay-rights groups and is known as a haven for white supremacists.Over 100 companies announced a boycott of Facebook last week in protest of divisive political speech on the website. The boycott coincides with a public pressure campaign led by Joe Biden and other top Democrats to press Facebook to enforce stricter control over President Trump’s...

July 6, 2020
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Man Who Died Ingesting Fish Tank Cleaner Remembered as Intelligent, Levelheaded Engineer

Man Who Died Ingesting Fish Tank Cleaner Remembered as Intelligent, Levelheaded Engineer

ADVERTISEMENTSHAREIn death, he has become famous as a cautionary tale about the risks of mindlessly following the armchair medical advice President Donald Trump has dispensed from the White House podium.But friends of 68-year-old Gary Lenius, the Arizona man who passed away last month from drinking a fish tank cleaner that contained an ingredient, chloroquine phosphate, that Trump had touted as a potential coronavirus cure, say they are still struggling to understand what drove an engineer with an extensive science background to do something so wildly out of character.These people describe...

April 24, 2020
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Police Investigating Death of Arizona Man From Chloroquine Phosphate

Police Investigating Death of Arizona Man From Chloroquine Phosphate

ADVERTISEMENTMesa City PD opens investigation into death of Gary Lenius whose wife, Wanda, said she served him a deadly cocktail to ward off coronavirusSHAREThe Mesa City Police Department's homicide division is investigating the death of Gary Lenius, the Arizona man whose wife served him soda mixed with fish tank cleaner in what she claimed was a bid to fend off the coronavirus. A detective handling the case confirmed the investigation to the Washington Free Beacon on Tuesday after requesting a recording of the Free Beacon's interviews with Lenius's wife, Wanda.Gary Lenius, 68, died on...

April 28, 2020
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De Blasio Under Fire for Selective Enforcement of Social-Distancing Guidelines

De Blasio Under Fire for Selective Enforcement of Social-Distancing Guidelines

ADVERTISEMENTThe mayor’s decision to single out Jews has no evidence in police dataSHARENew York City mayor Bill de Blasio is under fire from liberal groups raising serious concerns about the selective enforcement of social-distancing regulations.In the wake of a tweet in which de Blasio singled out Jewish New Yorkers, warning them to adhere to the regulations, two liberal groups on Monday called on the mayor to remove enforcement of the regulations from the purview of the New York Police Department.Data compiled by the NYPD show that though de Blasio has chided Jews for their failure to...

May 11, 2020
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