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Is It Safe Yet To Get Your Physical Or A Dental Checkup?

Is It Safe Yet To Get Your Physical Or A Dental Checkup?

Doctors And Dentists Say It's Safe To Come Back For In-Person Preventive Care : Shots - Health News Most preventive medical care that can't be handled via telehealth has taken a back seat in recent months, but that's starting to change. Here's what to ask when you schedule an in-person appointment.Alan YuFromMany hospitals, clinics and dental offices in some places across the U.S. that was postponed in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic. But still, patients wonder: Is it safe to go? , a visiting assistant professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at Drexel University in...

June 3, 2020
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Philly Fighting COVID vaccine partnership put city ‘at great risk,’ says inspector general

Philly Fighting COVID vaccine partnership put city ‘at great risk,’ says inspector general

A city investigation into the Philly Fighting COVID scandal found the Philadelphia Department of Public Health ignored serious red flags when it provided vaccines to a 9-month-old startup with limited health care experience.Despite that, the report from the Office of Inspector General does not sanction the department in any way.Inspector General Alexander DeSantis wrote that the department had substantial evidence pointing to PFC’s deficiencies, and concluded health officials placed the city “at great risk” by setting that information aside — even in the interest of expediently vaccinating...

March 9, 2021
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Philly Fighting COVID CEO lashes out at 'competitors' in apology email to donors

Philly Fighting COVID CEO lashes out at 'competitors' in apology email to donors

After weeks of radio silence, Philly Fighting COVID’s Andrei Doroshin surfaced Tuesday afternoon in a brief email addressed to “donors.” Though framed as an apology, the start-up CEO did not elaborate on what he was sorry for.In the note, Doroshin said he would focus on “money owed”  and “recovering the good of our names.” He pointed to unnamed “minor administrative decisions” that he described as the “fodder that was needed for competitors and other groups that did not share our interests to shut us down and personally discredit me and my team.”It was unclear which competitors or...

February 24, 2021
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In Philadelphia, a Scandal Erupts Over Vaccination Startup Led by 22-Year-Old

In Philadelphia, a Scandal Erupts Over Vaccination Startup Led by 22-Year-Old

It started as a group of college friends who wanted to help during the pandemic. They had tech skills, so they used 3D printers to make face shields. Then they organized as a nonprofit, Philly Fighting Covid, and opened a testing site in a Philadelphia neighborhood that didn’t have one yet.This story is part of a reporting partnership that includes ,  and KHN. It can beThe organization’s leader, Andrei Doroshin, had bigger ambitions. Even before the first coronavirus vaccine was authorized, the 22-year-old graduate student at Drexel University planned to get involved,...

February 2, 2021
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Philly Fighting COVID provided at-home testing to Bobby Henon’s family

Philly Fighting COVID provided at-home testing to Bobby Henon’s family

Late last month, Philly Fighting COVID abruptly with little notice to focus on a vaccination program that imploded this week amid allegations of misconduct.The sudden pivot left many city residents who expected to get tested high and dry, and sent up flags about the organization’s trustworthiness. But Councilmember Bobby Henon, one of the start-up’s most vocal allies in City Hall, didn’t seem concerned.Even after more scandalous allegations about the organization emerged, Henon stuck by it, saying Tuesday that the group seemed to be doing “a good job.”Unknown when his comments were first...

January 29, 2021
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In Philadelphia, A Scandal Erupts Over Vaccination Startup Led By 22-Year-Old

In Philadelphia, A Scandal Erupts Over Vaccination Startup Led By 22-Year-Old

Why Did Philadelphia Give COVID-19 Vaccines To An Inexperienced Startup? : Shots - Health News City officials gave coronavirus vaccines to Philly Fighting Covid, whose brash CEO had no health care experience. After a WHYY investigation, the city cut ties with the group over alleged misconduct.Max MarinAlan YuFromToggle more optionsIt started out as a group of college friends who wanted to help during the pandemic. They had tech skills, so they used 3D printers to make face shields. Then they organized as a nonprofit, Philly Fighting Covid, and opened a testing site in a Philadelphia...

January 30, 2021
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Why did Philly entrust a vaccine program to a student group with no health care experience?

Why did Philly entrust a vaccine program to a student group with no health care experience?

Updated 10:50 a.m. ThursdayOn a cool night in early October, Andrei Doroshin stood on the rooftop of an apartment building near Temple University in front of a dozen of his staff and volunteers. More people joined via livestream to watch the 22-year-old CEO of Philly Fighting COVID unveil his plan to vaccinate the city of Philadelphia.Slide after PowerPoint slide delineated his vision, from scheduling to staffing to safety protocols. The marketing plan hinged on inoculating local celebrities like Meek Mill to attract their fan base.“This is a wholly Elon Musk, shooting-for-the-heavens type...

January 28, 2021
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Philly Fighting COVID CEO admits taking vaccine doses home despite patient demand

Philly Fighting COVID CEO admits taking vaccine doses home despite patient demand

Updated: 12:30 p.m. ThursdayOn Saturday, the line of people waiting for coronavirus vaccines in Philadelphia was as long as it was desperate.Some had waited hours by the time Philly Fighting COVID, the start-up administering vaccines on behalf of the city, began turning people away. The 9-month-old group had bungled a sign-up page that allowed dozens of people to make appointments online. On arrival, many learned the clinic was overbooked.“There were literally 85-year-old, 90-year-old people standing there in tears, with printed appointment confirmations, saying, ‘I don’t understand why I...

January 26, 2021
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Philly Fighting COVID kicked out of city vaccine program after sudden switch to for-profit

Philly Fighting COVID kicked out of city vaccine program after sudden switch to for-profit

Updated 3:35 p.m. TuesdayPhiladelphia health officials say they’re no longer providing vaccines to a 9-month-old start-up that has begun inoculating thousands of city residents, citing the group’s quiet switch to a for-profit entity.“We have recently been made aware of a change in Philly Fighting COVID’s corporate status that took place without our knowledge, from nonprofit to for-profit,” said Health Department spokesperson Jim Garrow.The move comes days after WHYY News and Billy Penn reported that Philly Fighting COVID had established a for-profit arm, and that when the group pivoted from...

January 26, 2021
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What’s actually in Philly Fighting COVID’s privacy policy?

What’s actually in Philly Fighting COVID’s privacy policy?

For the past few weeks, the start-up Philly Fighting COVID has been collecting data on tens of thousands of people in Philadelphia who want to get COVID-19 vaccines, as well as running a mass vaccination clinic at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. During most of that time, it did so without terms and conditions or a privacy policy on its website.When PFC added a privacy policy to the site last week, it was extremely broad — likely because parts were generated by an algorithm, a cybersecurity lawyer told WHYY.On Monday evening, Philadelphia Health Department spokesperson James Garrow said...

January 26, 2021
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