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ICE detainees complained about ‘rough’ treatment from Georgia doctor

ICE detainees complained about ‘rough’ treatment from Georgia doctor

For years, women at a South Georgia immigration jail talked about Dr. Mahendra Amin.The gynecologist was “rough,” they said. His examinations could leave a bruise. And he had a way of turning a routine visit into surgical procedures that the women weren’t sure they needed.“They didn’t understand their treatments,” said Elizabeth Matherne, an immigration attorney who represented several of the detainees. “Interpreters were not provided. They didn’t understand what he was doing to them.”Now Amin is at the center of a whistleblower that alleges inappropriate medical treatment of women in U.S....

September 17, 2020
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Angered by criticism, Kemp defends handling of coronavirus outbreak

Angered by criticism, Kemp defends handling of coronavirus outbreak

Gov. Brian Kemp defended his handling of Georgia’s coronavirus outbreak on Monday, lashing out at the news media and others who questioned his decision to reopen segments of the state’s economy.But Kemp took no issue with his most vocal critic: President Donald Trump. Twice last week, Trump lambasted Kemp during White House briefings for allowing the reopening of such businesses as tattoo parlors, gyms, and hair and nail salons.Kemp spoke for the first time about Trump’s criticism during a news conference in the state Capitol, shortly before the state reported a new death toll that was...

April 28, 2020
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Kemp devising plan to reopen Georgia for business

Kemp devising plan to reopen Georgia for business

Gov. Brian Kemp has quietly begun planning to reopen Georgia for business, weeks before the expected peak of the coronavirus pandemic.Aides to the governor acknowledged Thursday that Kemp has consulted with Georgia business and political leaders about how soon he should ease restrictions that have devastated the state’s economy while attempting to curb the virus’ spread.These discussions are in their early stages, the aides said. But they reflect Kemp’s eagerness to move past a public health crisis that has, so far, left hundreds of Georgians dead and thousands more sickened.In a statement...

April 17, 2020
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CDC report suggests Georgia’s COVID-19 fight is far from over

CDC report suggests Georgia’s COVID-19 fight is far from over

Despite weeks of social distancing to contain the coronavirus, the outbreak continues to worsen in many parts of Georgia, a federal report shows.The report, presented to the White House by the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, estimates deaths from the virus will reach 3,000 a day nationwide by June. That is significantly higher than the current daily average of about 1,750 and foretells an ultimate death toll far exceeding 100,000.In Georgia, the CDC said, metro Atlanta and other populous regions of the state are among the areas "whose burden continues to grow," or...

May 5, 2020
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No rest for Kemp from critics as GA launches reopening amid COVID-19

No rest for Kemp from critics as GA launches reopening amid COVID-19

As the state’s death toll from the coronavirus climbed to almost 900 on Friday, Georgians lined up for haircuts, manicures, tattoos and other services no longer deemed nonessential.It was Day One of Georgia’s attempt to restore economic normalcy in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. But Gov. Brian Kemp’s decision to ease restrictions on many businesses remained controversial, drawing protesters to the Governor’s Mansion. And it was assailed for the third consecutive day by Kemp’s erstwhile political ally, President Donald Trump.The president denied an Associated Press report that he and...

April 25, 2020
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Experts say Trump may have broken law trying to overturn Georgia election

Experts say Trump may have broken law trying to overturn Georgia election

President Donald Trump called Georgia’s top election official a child. He held out the prospect of criminal prosecution if Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger didn’t bend to his will. And he repeatedly implored Raffensperger to “find” 11,780 votes — one more than President-elect Joe Biden’s margin of victory in Georgia.“So what are we going to do here, folks?” Trump asked Raffensperger and his aides during an on Saturday. “I only need 11,000 votes. Fellas, I need 11,000 votes. Give me a break.”But Trump’s wheedling and bluster, his flattery and menace appear to have violated Georgia law,...

January 4, 2021
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For health care ‘heroes,’ death toll keeps rising

For health care ‘heroes,’ death toll keeps rising

David Plater knew all the risks and took every precaution.It wasn’t enough.The 45-year-old radiology technician at Emory Hillandale Hospital died June 9 from COVID-19, becoming one of the nearly 100 Georgia health care workers who have fallen to the coronavirus since March. The deaths call into question the ability of to protect the workers they celebrate as heroes in the fight against an unrelenting plague.The toll may be much higher. An investigation by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution found that Georgia officials have undercounted deaths among health care workers by as much as 30%. At...

August 14, 2020
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Pro-Trump attorney Lin Wood refuses Bar’s order to undergo psychiatric exam

Pro-Trump attorney Lin Wood refuses Bar’s order to undergo psychiatric exam

Atlanta attorney , one of the most prominent purveyors of conspiracy theories surrounding the 2020 presidential election, is in danger of losing his ability to practice law in Georgia.The State Bar of Georgia acknowledged Friday it is investigating two complaints against Wood and has ordered him to undergo a psychiatric evaluation. Wood recently called for the and accused other officials, including U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts, of conspiring to cheat former President Donald Trump out of a second term, among other alleged transgressions.But in an interview, Wood said he would refuse the...

January 29, 2021
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Amid deadly pandemic, Georgia not increasing public-health spending

Amid deadly pandemic, Georgia not increasing public-health spending

Appearing before state lawmakers last week, Georgia’s public health commissioner acknowledged the strain on her agency from the “This,” Dr. Kathleen Toomey said, “is probably the most challenging thing all of us have ever done.”But Toomey wasn’t seeking state money to expand laboratory capacity at the Department of Public Health. Or to replace its decade-old disease-tracking system. Or to hire more epidemiologists, scientists and other specialists who could help contain not just this coronavirus but whatever public health crisis emerges next.Amid a pandemic that, , has killed 11,584...

January 25, 2021
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