Al Tompkins
Al Tompkins
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Should journalists play a role in identifying rioters? - Poynter

Should journalists play a role in identifying rioters? - Poynter

— including photojournalists, social media posts and police — to identify the rioters in the pictures and is urging members of the public to contact the news organization to help. USA Today is asking readers to contact the news organization and, in an updated post, explained why: USA TODAY is working to identify those who stormed into the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday. If you were there or if you know someone who was there, please help us. We are using this information to piece together stories about how the event unfolded, who the participants were and what their motivations were. Some people...

January 9, 2021
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When you lie about pandemics and public health, people die - Poynter

When you lie about pandemics and public health, people die - Poynter

is a daily Poynter briefing of story ideas about the coronavirus and other timely topics for journalists, written by senior faculty Al Tompkins. Sign up to have it delivered to your inbox every weekday morning. Every year my colleagues at that stirs anger and angst. I truly cannot imagine how one could pick among the truckload of lies that have come at us like mortar fire in 2020. But one lie stands above them all for PolitiFact, and this year, that lie was the many claims “that deny, downplay or disinform about COVID-19.” PolitiFact says President Donald Trump “was the conductor, if not...

December 16, 2020
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Understanding the legal language and judicial issues in the Breonna Taylor ruling - Poynter

Understanding the legal language and judicial issues in the Breonna Taylor ruling - Poynter

is a daily Poynter briefing of story ideas about the coronavirus and other timely topics for journalists, written by senior faculty Al Tompkins. Sign up to have it delivered to your inbox every weekday morning. From the beginning of this column, we have said we would help you with the coverage of the pandemic and would also include some help for how you cover other difficult and sensitive stories. Today is such a day. Protests overnight demanded the officers be criminally charged in Breonna Taylor’s death. Some want it to be easier to charge and sue officers who use undue...

September 24, 2020
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How newsrooms can tone down their coronavirus coverage while still reporting responsibly - Poynter

How newsrooms can tone down their coronavirus coverage while still reporting responsibly - Poynter

Let’s see if you can guess where this passage comes from: I don’t know of any journalist who sets out to scare people, but reporters may unintentionally alarm their audiences with shoddy coverage of a virus that’s entered a frenzied news cycle that may lead to panic and ineffective overreaction. It’s time we start thinking carefully about the headlines and images we use to cover this story. Context is critical, and there are important local stories to be told that don’t emphasize the virus’ doom and gloom. . And here we are again. Let’s be clear: There is no law that says every time...

March 5, 2020
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Apollo and Gray Television match offers to buy Tegna. What happens next? - Poynter

Apollo and Gray Television match offers to buy Tegna. What happens next? - Poynter

This post has been updated to include information about a new matching offer from Apollo Global Management. A Reuters report Friday morning quoted “sources” saying Gray Television has . Late Friday night, The Wall Street Journal reported Apollo Global Management said it would . Apollo said its offer would be in all cash. The initial report sent Tegna stock soaring even while the broader stock markets tanked for a second straight day. The Reuters story comes a week after Gray and Tegna announced a deal in which Gray bought minority ownership in Tegna’s over-the-top television advertising...

March 6, 2020
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