Ailsa Chang
Ailsa Chang
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Good Beer Doesn't Just Taste Better, It Sounds Better Too

Good Beer Doesn't Just Taste Better, It Sounds Better Too

Multisensory researchers have found a relationship between sound — like a bottle opening or a can of beer pouring into a glass — and the perceived quality of beer. ARI SHAPIRO, HOST: Beer.(SOUNDBITE OF BEER POURING)SHAPIRO: That sound can mean summer, picnics, barbecues, concerts, and now researchers have found that the sound a beer makes as you open it and pour it can influence our perception of its quality.AILSA CHANG, HOST: That's right. Charles Spence of Oxford University has studied similar phenomena, like how pleasant music can make bitter coffee...

May 27, 2021
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Why We Grow Numb To Staggering Statistics — And What We Can Do About It

Why We Grow Numb To Staggering Statistics — And What We Can Do About It

Why We Grow Numb To Staggering Statistics — And What We Can Do About It : Coronavirus Updates The growing coronavirus death toll doesn't provoke the same type of emotional response that a plane crash might. It's a coping mechanism and how our neurons are wired, says psychologist Elke Weber.Heard onToggle more optionsCOVID-19 has now killed On a typical day in the past week, more than 1,000 people died. But the deluge of grim statistics can dull our collective sense of outrage. And part of that has to do with how humans are built to perceive the world. "With any kind of consistent danger,...

July 28, 2020
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HBCU President: 'I Slept Better' After Deciding On All Online Classes In The Fall

HBCU President: 'I Slept Better' After Deciding On All Online Classes In The Fall

HBCU President: 'I Slept Better' After Deciding On All Online Classes In The Fall : Coronavirus Updates Colette Pierce Burnette of Huston-Tillotson University says keeping students and staff safe was paramount. Black people are dying from COVID-19 at two and a half times the rate of white people.Heard onToggle more optionsHistorically Black colleges and universities have an extra factor to consider as they plan on how to operate this next school year: Black communities are disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. According to the , Black people are dying from the coronavirus at two and...

July 30, 2020
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Doctors Weigh In On How To Navigate A Partially Vaccinated Society

Doctors Weigh In On How To Navigate A Partially Vaccinated Society

Doctors Weigh In On How To Navigate A Partially Vaccinated Society NPR's Ailsa Chang talks to doctors Monica Gandhi and Leana Wen about how Americans can navigate a half-vaccinated society.Heard onToggle more optionsNPR's Ailsa Chang talks to doctors Monica Gandhi and Leana Wen about how Americans can navigate a half-vaccinated society.AILSA CHANG, HOST:The ultimate goal of COVID-19 vaccines is herd immunity - when most of the population has developed resistance to the coronavirus. What most means is up for debate. Well, whatever the case, as of now, about a quarter of the U.S. population...

April 23, 2021
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What The Johnson & Johnson Pause May Mean For Vaccine Equity

What The Johnson & Johnson Pause May Mean For Vaccine Equity

What The Johnson & Johnson Pause May Mean For Vaccine Equity Which communities could suffer most from the Johnson & Johnson vaccination pause? NPR's Ailsa Chang talks to Dr. Paul Adamson, an infectious diseases fellow at David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.Heard onToggle more optionsWhich communities could suffer most from the Johnson & Johnson vaccination pause? NPR's Ailsa Chang talks to Dr. Paul Adamson, an infectious diseases fellow at David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.AILSA CHANG, HOST:The rollout of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine against COVID-19 will remain...

April 16, 2021
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Johnson & Johnson Executive Says Vaccine Works Where It Counts: Preventing Deaths

Johnson & Johnson Executive Says Vaccine Works Where It Counts: Preventing Deaths

Johnson & Johnson Executive Says Vaccine Works Where It Counts: Preventing Deaths : Coronavirus Updates Dr. Paul Stoffels, the chief scientific officer at Johnson & Johnson, tells NPR the company's vaccine is very effective where it matters most: preventing hospitalizations and deaths.Toggle more optionsDr. Paul Stoffels, the chief scientific officer at Johnson & Johnson, told NPR on Friday that the topline results from the company's coronavirus vaccine study fail to tell the full story about just how effective it actually is. Johnson & Johnson said that 28 days after...

January 29, 2021
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'Things Are Worse Than People Think': LA County Official On New Directives For EMS

'Things Are Worse Than People Think': LA County Official On New Directives For EMS

Why Los Angeles EMS Crews Told Not To Transport Some Patients To Hospitals : Coronavirus Updates Dr. Nichole Bosson of the LA County Emergency Medical Services Agency explains Monday's orders not to transport some patients and to limit oxygen use amid Los Angeles' massive COVID-19 surge.Heard onToggle more optionsIn Los Angeles, ambulances are waiting for hours — up to eight, in some cases — to admit new patients at overwhelmed hospitals. The number of coronavirus patients in intensive care units has . On Monday, Los Angeles County's Emergency Medical Services Agency directed EMTs and to...

January 5, 2021
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Epidemiologist Says Restricting Small Gatherings Isn't Enough To Stop The Surge

Epidemiologist Says Restricting Small Gatherings Isn't Enough To Stop The Surge

Epidemiologist Says Restricting Small Gatherings Isn't Enough To Stop The Surge : Coronavirus Updates To turn around the current jump in coronavirus cases, epidemiologist Ellie Murray says governments need to focus on the places that are driving the spread, like restaurants and bars.Heard onToggle more optionsFor weeks now, the message from public health officials has been clear: The safest way to celebrate Thanksgiving this year is . The level of coronavirus cases in the U.S. right now means the chances of encountering an infected person or while sitting at a crowded table are very real....

November 24, 2020
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What It's Like To Be A Conservative Gen Z Voter In California

What It's Like To Be A Conservative Gen Z Voter In California

What It's Like To Be A Conservative Gen Z Voter In California NPR's Ailsa Chang talks with two conservative members of Generation Z in California about how it feels to have conservative political views in an overwhelmingly blue state.Heard onToggle more optionsNPR's Ailsa Chang talks with two conservative members of Generation Z in California about how it feels to have conservative political views in an overwhelmingly blue state.AILSA CHANG, HOST:We've been driving around California to meet some of the youngest people who will be voting in this election. They're called Generation Z, and a...

October 29, 2020
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