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ICE Guards Allegedly Sexually Assaulted And Harassed Immigrant Detainees

ICE Guards Allegedly Sexually Assaulted And Harassed Immigrant Detainees

ICE guards would take advantage of camera blind spots and tell women no one would believe them if they spoke out, a recently filed complaint states.Three immigrants allege Immigration and Customs Enforcement guards carried out a "pattern and practice" of sexual assault and harassment inside a Texas detention center.The continued sexual harassment and assaults the immigrants allegedly experienced at the hands of ICE officers were detailed in a filed with the El Paso County District Attorney, the US Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Texas, and the Department of Homeland Security’s...

August 14, 2020
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Newborn US Citizen And His Mother Forced To Walk Back To Mexico Days After Birth

Newborn US Citizen And His Mother Forced To Walk Back To Mexico Days After Birth

"During the entire process, she was in pain from giving birth and she felt no choice but to go into Mexico," the family's attorney said.A newborn US citizen and his mother were forced to walk back into Mexico just two days after giving birth despite repeated pleas to border officials that they faced danger south of the border, according to a new complaint filed against the government.The Honduran family, including a 25-year-old mother, her 33-year-old partner, and their 9-year-old son, crossed the border on the evening of July 27, presented themselves to Border Patrol agents in San Diego...

July 10, 2020
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Immigration Watchdog Group Blocked Due To Coronavirus

Immigration Watchdog Group Blocked Due To Coronavirus

"We need much more transparency and not less."A government watchdog agency responsible for overseeing the conditions that federal agencies hold immigrants in said it will not be visiting facilities because of the coronavirus, which observers worry will diminish independent inspections.In an email reviewed by BuzzFeed News, the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) said for the time being, they will only visit facilities when they determine they can do so safely. In the meantime, inspectors will continue to conduct their work virtually.The DHS OIG didn’t...

July 2, 2020
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A Judge Ordered ICE To Release Immigrant Children Over Coronavirus Concerns

A Judge Ordered ICE To Release Immigrant Children Over Coronavirus Concerns

The judge said children detained inside its three ICE family detention centers must be released to a sponsor or with their parents by July 17.BuzzFeed News has reporters around the world bringing you trustworthy stories about the impact of the coronavirus. To help keep this news free, .Citing concerns, a federal judge ordered US officials on Friday to release immigrant children detained at facilities for families by July 17."The [family residential centers] are 'on fire' and there is no more time for half measures," US District Judge Dolly Gee wrote.The comes tasked with tracking how...

June 27, 2020
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11 Immigrants In An ICE Detention Center For Families Test Positive For COVID-19

11 Immigrants In An ICE Detention Center For Families Test Positive For COVID-19

All of the detainees are stable, asymptomatic, and remain housed in medical isolation rooms, an independent monitor reported.BuzzFeed News has reporters around the world bringing you trustworthy stories about the impact of the coronavirus. To help keep this news free, .Eleven immigrants held inside a detention facility for families in Texas have tested positive for , according to court documents made public Thursday.The immigrant families were being detained at an Immigration and Customs Enforcement center in Karnes City, Texas. The Karnes County Residential Center is one of ICE's three...

June 25, 2020
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Asylum-Seeker Who Was Kidnapped And Tortured With Acid Was Sent Back To Mexico Anyway

Asylum-Seeker Who Was Kidnapped And Tortured With Acid Was Sent Back To Mexico Anyway

For about 12 days she was kept inside a dirty home, occasionally fed old food, and assaulted. And then her 10-year-old daughter saw a way to escape.By the time Elizabeth asked US border agents for asylum, she had been kidnapped, sexually assaulted in front of her daughter, and had her legs burned with acid.Finally, the 41-year-old asylum-seeker thought she would be safe and out of reach from the men in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juárez who had tortured her for 12 days in an empty home that smelled like death. Instead, she was sent right back to the same city to wait until her US...

March 7, 2020
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Guatemalan Boy Who Died In US Custody Told Father "I'm Going To Die"

Guatemalan Boy Who Died In US Custody Told Father "I'm Going To Die"

The statements from Felipe Gómez Alonzo's father and secondhand quotes from Border Patrol agents provide new details about the events that led to the 8-year-old's death.Moments before he died in Border Patrol custody on Christmas Eve 2018, 8-year-old Felipe Gómez Alonzo told his father he thought he was going to die, according to recently released government .Earlier that Dec. 24, Border Patrol agents had taken the sick Guatemalan boy and his father, Agustín Gómez Perez, to a hospital in New Mexico. Felipe was discharged, but his condition soon worsened.Gómez Perez thought his son, who was...

April 16, 2020
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