Aaron Maté
Aaron Maté
Host, at PushbackShow at TheGrayzoneNews. Words at TheNation at RCInvestigates. ex at therealnews at AJEnglish at democracynow.Source
Brooklyn, NY
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US intel officer targeted by John Bolton reacts to coup-plot confession - The Grayzone

US intel officer targeted by John Bolton reacts to coup-plot confession - The Grayzone

In a live interview with CNN, former senior US official John Bolton admitted that he has “helped plan coups d’etat” in a number of foreign countries, including Venezuela.Fulton Armstrong, a former senior US intelligence official, has a unique perspective on Bolton’s coup confession. In 2002, Bolton unsuccessfully tried to have Armstrong removed from his post after the US intelligence community refused to back Bolton’s allegations of an advanced Cuban biological weapons program.Armstrong joins Aaron Maté to discuss his personal experience with Bolton and perspective on the legacy of...

July 15, 2022
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CrowdStrikeOut: Mueller’s Own Report Undercuts Its Core Russia-Meddling Claims

CrowdStrikeOut: Mueller’s Own Report Undercuts Its Core Russia-Meddling Claims

, RealClearInvestigationsAP Photo/Charles Dharapak, FileXStory Streamrecent articlesBy Aaron Maté, RealClearInvestigationsJuly 5, 2019Amazon.comAt a May press conference capping his tenure as special counsel, Robert Mueller emphasized what he called "the central allegation" of the two-year Russia probe. The Russian government, Mueller sternly declared, engaged in "multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election, and that allegation deserves the attention of every American." Mueller's comments echoed a January 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) asserting with "high...

July 29, 2021
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Bellingcaught: Who is the mysterious author of Bellingcat's attacks on OPCW whistleblower? - The Grayzone

Bellingcaught: Who is the mysterious author of Bellingcat's attacks on OPCW whistleblower? - The Grayzone

for or• Bellingcat’s screenshot says “different types of wood in the signatures of the

March 24, 2021
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5 former OPCW officials join prominent voices to call out Syria cover-up - The Grayzone

5 former OPCW officials join prominent voices to call out Syria cover-up - The Grayzone

Five former officials from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons have joined a group of prominent signatories to urge the OPCW to address the controversy surrounding its investigation of an alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, Syria in April 2018.Leaks from inside the OPCW show that key scientific findings that cast doubt on claims of Syrian government guilt were censored, and that the original investigators were removed from the probe. Since the cover-up became public, the OPCW has shunned accountability and publicly attacked the two whistleblowers who challenged it...

March 14, 2021
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Questions for BBC on new White Helmets podcast series attacking OPCW whistleblowers - The Grayzone

Questions for BBC on new White Helmets podcast series attacking OPCW whistleblowers - The Grayzone

The new BBC podcast  covers the life and death of James Le Mesurier, the former UK military officer who founded the group The White Helmets, which has operated extensively in Syria’s proxy war.The White Helmets have been marketed to Western audiences as a neutral aid organization conducting rescue operations in opposition-held cities targeted by Syrian and Russian bombings. But as The Grayzone has , the White Helmets have worked closely with jihadist groups in Syria, and have been used as a to whitewash the proxy war against Damascus by their US, UK, Turkey, and Gulf state sponsors.The...

November 30, 2020
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OPCW Syria whistleblower and ex-director attacked by US, UK, France at UN - The Grayzone

OPCW Syria whistleblower and ex-director attacked by US, UK, France at UN - The Grayzone

Ian Henderson, a veteran OPCW inspector who challenged a cover-up of his organization’s investigation of an alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria, recently testified before the United Nations Security Council. At the meeting, Henderson was both attacked and ignored by U.S., UK, and French diplomats whose governments bombed Syria over allegations that Henderson’s censored investigation undermined.At another UNSC gathering one week later, the U.S. and its allies continued their censorship campaign by voting to block the testimony of the OPCW’s former chief, José Bustani, who had come to...

October 7, 2020
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In Navalny poisoning, rush to judgment threatens new Russia-NATO crisis - The Grayzone

In Navalny poisoning, rush to judgment threatens new Russia-NATO crisis - The Grayzone

Claims that Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny has been poisoned by the nerve agent Novichok are threatening a new standoff between Russia and NATO states, with calls for punitive measures against Moscow, including cancelling the Nordstream 2 German-Russia pipeline.Navalny’s opposition activism is “marginal in Russian politics — it’s not currently a threat to the Kremlin,” says Fred Weir, a veteran Moscow correspondent for the Christian Science Monitor. “Navalny is little more than a nuisance [to the Kremlin]. And I can’t believe that Putin would rocket him to the top of the world...

September 7, 2020
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IG report exposes FBI, Congressional, and media deceit in Russia probe - The Grayzone

IG report exposes FBI, Congressional, and media deceit in Russia probe - The Grayzone

The FBI used Steele’s work to obtain surveillance warrants but concealed his errors and other critical information from the FISA court. Matt Taibbi joins Aaron Maté to discuss how Horowitz’s investigation exposes not just the FBI’s deceit, but also that of the prominent media and political figures who enabled it.Guest: Matt Taibbi. Author, Contributing Editor at Rolling Stone, and co-host of the podcast Useful Idiots.

February 11, 2020
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Newsweek reporter quits after editors block coverage of OPCW Syria scandal - The Grayzone

Newsweek reporter quits after editors block coverage of OPCW Syria scandal - The Grayzone

According to whistleblower testimony and leaked documents, OPCW officials raised alarm about the suppression of critical findings that undermine the allegation that the Syrian government committed a chemical weapons attack in the city of Douma in April 2018. Haddad’s editors at Newsweek rejected his attempts to cover the story. “If I don’t find another position in journalism because of this, I’m perfectly happy to accept that consequence,” Haddad says. “It’s not desirable. But there is no way I could have continued in that job knowing that I couldn’t report something like this.”Guest: Tareq...

February 11, 2020
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