7455 Arroyo Crossing Pkwy Suite 220 Las Vegas
7455 Arroyo Crossing Pkwy Suite 220 Las Vegas
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Nevada Democrats notify 1,000 early caucusgoers of voided ballots, most for lacking a signature – The Nevada Independent

Nevada Democrats notify 1,000 early caucusgoers of voided ballots, most for lacking a signature – The Nevada Independent

CloseSupport Our WorkEspañolSHAREThe Nevada State Democratic Party is in the process of notifying roughly 1,000 early-voting caucusgoers that their ballots have been voided for errors, just two days before Caucus Day.The voided ballots, from the first three of four days of early voting, make up about 2.8 percent of the 36,000 ballots cast over the three-day period, with party officials still processing the 39,000 ballots cast on the fourth day of early voting. According to a party official, the overwhelming majority of ballots were voided for lacking a signature, with only about 60 ballots...

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Sisolak orders statewide closure of nonessential businesses, including casinos, following in footsteps of other states – The Nevada Independent

Sisolak orders statewide closure of nonessential businesses, including casinos, following in footsteps of other states – The Nevada Independent

CloseSupport Our WorkEspañolSHAREGov. Steve Sisolak on Tuesday ordered a sweeping shutdown of nonessential businesses, including casinos and retail stores, for 30 days, a move that would have been unthinkable weeks ago before the novel coronavirus wreaked its havoc around the world.Nonessential businesses that will be forced to close include restaurants, bars, pubs, wineries, breweries, coffee shops, gyms, shopping malls and salons, though restaurants will still be able to offer drive-through, curbside takeout and delivery services to their customers. Essential businesses that can remain...

April 17, 2020
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Salvation Army opens newly expanded LGBTQ+ safety dorm in Southern Nevada – The Nevada Independent

Salvation Army opens newly expanded LGBTQ+ safety dorm in Southern Nevada – The Nevada Independent

CloseSupport Our WorkEspañolSHAREThe outside of the dorm is nondescript, fitting in quietly among the assortment of buildings on the property, but when the bright turquoise door swings open, a world of color is unleashed, and bold black text on the inside reminds visitors in no uncertain terms to “smile often” and “never, ever give up” because “you are loved.”The Salvation Army reopened the LGBTQ+ safety dorm on its Southern Nevada campus in early February after a six-day renovation that doubled the occupancy of the dorm from nine to 18 beds. The overnight dorm houses homeless LGBTQ+...

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Tech industry pushes back against bill making phones easier to repair – The Nevada Independent

Tech industry pushes back against bill making phones easier to repair – The Nevada Independent

CloseSupport Our WorkEspañolSHAREEnvironmentalists and electronic repair shops on Monday hailed a bill making it easier for consumers to repair their electronic devices as a way to reduce toxic waste. But technology firms criticized the legislation for potential cybersecurity risks and unintended consequences. The clash came during a hearing for , a bill introduced by Assemblywoman Selena Torres (D-Las Vegas) that would require manufacturers of digital electronic equipment to produce documentation and the parts and tools necessary to diagnose, maintain and repair electronic devices...

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My invasive species is tastier than your invasive species – The Nevada Independent

My invasive species is tastier than your invasive species – The Nevada Independent

CloseSupport Our WorkEspañolSHARENevada has a feral pet problem.The problem is partially emotional. Many of us love Nevada’s feral pets. Speaking as a cat lover, I certainly enjoy seeing the occasional feral “outdoor” cat take a stroll by my home. They remind me of the feral cat colonies my great-grandfather always kept outside his home, which I spent so much of my childhood staring at and maintaining a sociable distance from. Sure, feral cats are rarely personable — they’re usually terrified of strange humans, and justifiably so — but it always warms my heart seeing adorable purring...

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Cegavske: No 'evidentiary support’ among NV GOP claims that 2020 election was plagued by widespread fraud – The Nevada Independent

Cegavske: No 'evidentiary support’ among NV GOP claims that 2020 election was plagued by widespread fraud – The Nevada Independent

CloseSupport Our WorkEspañolSHARESecretary of State Barbara Cegavske’s office has finished its review of the Nevada Republican Party’s alleged evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2020 election and found the concerns “do not amount to evidentiary support for the contention that the 2020 general election was plagued by widespread voter fraud.”In a released Wednesday, Cegavske’s office submitted a full response denying many of the state Republican Party’s continued assertions that the 2020 election in Nevada, which was largely conducted by mail voting because of the COVID-19 pandemic, saw...

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Say goodbye to the most effective Democratic Party in the country – The Nevada Independent

Say goodbye to the most effective Democratic Party in the country – The Nevada Independent

CloseSupport Our WorkEspañolSHAREAlmost a decade ago, Nevada’s Establishment Republicans had a problem.The forces of Ron Paul’s quixotic presidential campaign had taken over the state party and had helped elect an ethically challenged former city councilman, Michael McDonald, as chairman. With zealots for a fringe candidate in control and their chairman an untrustworthy hack who had just recently the national GOP and National Republican Senatorial Committee had no choice.Too much was at stake: Mitt Romney’s presidential candidacy and Sen. Dean Heller’s first race after being appointed. So...

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Cortez Masto launches 2022 re-election bid – The Nevada Independent

Cortez Masto launches 2022 re-election bid – The Nevada Independent

CloseSupport Our WorkEspañolSHAREWith a message largely focused on providing better access to health care, immigration reform and helping Nevada rebound from the pandemic-triggered recession, Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV) officially announced her bid for a second term Wednesday.In a video announcing her campaign, Cortez Masto highlighted her vote to fend off a 2017 GOP effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA). “I have fought again and again to make health care affordable for all Americans, including casting a critical vote to protect the Affordable Care Act when Republicans...

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‘Innovation Zones’ promoted by Sisolak would create semi-autonomous county at behest of Blockchains LLC – The Nevada Independent

‘Innovation Zones’ promoted by Sisolak would create semi-autonomous county at behest of Blockchains LLC – The Nevada Independent

CloseSupport Our WorkEspañolSHAREA proposal created by Blockchains LLC and circulated in the Legislature describes the fantastical contours of a plan to create a semi-autonomous county that slowly assumes powers of the county it’s based in and is supported by a cryptocurrency known as “stablecoin.” The plan, obtained by The Nevada Independent, includes draft language creating “Innovation Zones,” a concept touted by Gov. Steve Sisolak in his last month but that otherwise has not been described publicly in detail. Sisolak touched on the idea as one element of an economic development plan...

February 24, 2021
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Douglas County sheriff tells library that supported Black Lives Matter not to bother calling 911, then backtracks – The Nevada Independent

Douglas County sheriff tells library that supported Black Lives Matter not to bother calling 911, then backtracks – The Nevada Independent

CloseSupport Our WorkEspañolSHAREAs libraries across the country , the Douglas County sheriff published an open letter threatening not to respond to emergency calls from Douglas County Public Library staff because of a statement of diversity the library was considering adopting during an upcoming public meeting.The letter to the Douglas County Public Library Board of Trustees, written by Sheriff Daniel Coverley and published on the sheriff’s website on Monday, criticized a line in the diversity statement that expressed support for the Black Lives Matter Movement, equating it with support of...

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