Trump Tells Americans Not to Worry About Coronavirus as CDC Says U.S. Outbreak a Certainty
February 25, 20206 min read1192 words
Published: February 25, 2020  |  6 min read1192 words
On Tuesday, one day after the Dow Jones had its , the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Americans that it is all but a certainty that the deadly virus will spread throughout the United States. “It’s not so much of a question of if this will happen in this country any mor...
Trump Tells Americans Not to Worry About Coronavirus as CDC Says U.S. Outbreak a Certainty Read more

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Hit Piece
February 26, 2020
It was tough to rate this one. The author did cite facts and referenced sources to back up key claims. However, the tone was clearly deriding Trump in ways that weren’t necessary to report the facts. I think the article would have been more effective sticking to the facts and leaving out the commentary.
February 26, 2020
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Political Agenda
February 27, 2020
This article is dripping with sarcasm and a clear bias against Trump. It does directly quote the president and juxtapose it with accurate information from the CDC. It feels a bit more like a piece to vent about the current state of affairs more then to fully inform people on the current happenings with COVID-19 or how the CDC or the Trump administration in handling it.
February 27, 2020
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Political Agenda
February 26, 2020
Although this article uses a lot of quotes and sources, everything filling the page in between has a political bias against the Trump Administration. Whether deservedly or not, the framing is only negative and each new quote feels like an opportunity for author Bess Levin to hit Trump with a snarky comment. Many readers will agree with her take on the story, but the article would have served readers much better if she had just stuck to the information at hand and let readers come to their own conclusion.
February 26, 2020
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