Opinion: Tim Hortons’ identity crisis could erode chain’s long-established brand
January 15, 20205 min read921 words
Published: January 15, 2020  |  5 min read921 words
Sylvain Charlebois is a professor of food distribution and policy, and director of the Agri-Food Analytics Lab, at Dalhousie UniversityTim Hortons is finishing what is likely one of the strangest years in its history. Most of the iconic chain’s decisions have left Canadians scrat...
Opinion: Tim Hortons’ identity crisis could erode chain’s long-established brand Read more

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Great Context
January 16, 2020
The author is transparent about this being an opinion piece but still manages to provide a lot of solid context and prove informative to readers.
January 16, 2020
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Great Context
January 15, 2020
An interesting overview of the moves Tim Hortons is trying to make. As a non-Canadian these moves don't seem to be too big of a deal, it just seems like they're trying to move into a new space and diversafy their offerings.
January 15, 2020
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Great Context
January 15, 2020
Although an opinion piece on a money-grubbing rag with a regal past of its own, this piece does well at organizing and hitting the high-notes that resonate in all our collective consciousness: we all remember when Tim Horton's was a far better chain, where higher-quality food and drink incited us to make our memories at our local neighbourhood reliable, and we all remember days since where we were disappointed and disenfranchised, if I may. Kudos for the entertaining read, sorry that it has to be pasted onto such a fallen giant of its own.
January 15, 2020
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