Dear news media: Create news for people who have never read a newspaper | by James Tyner | Media Center Lab | Medium
February 8, 20185 min read985 words
Published: February 8, 2018  |  5 min read985 words
Published inHey, news industry, you’re doing it wrong.As part of a USC Annenberg class looking at how to create new journalism products, I asked some of my fellow USC students what got in the way of their news consumption today. It was a pretty open question, but they had some co...
Dear news media: Create news for people who have never read a newspaper | by James Tyner | Media Center Lab | Medium Read more

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Lack of Reliable Sources
February 8, 2018
I agree with many of the points this article is trying to make about getting your news today. Most news sites feel old or way over the top design-wise. But this article didnt give enough links to supporting evidence to fully back his claims. I wish there were graphs or data linked, or more quotes from people saying they had the same problems.
February 8, 2018
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February 8, 2018
This article, by James Tyner, is a refreshingly new take on the consumption of news. Rooted in gathered testimonies but also the author's own personal opinion makes this a thought-provoking article that may be in need of a few more sources. Yet, James did provide several clear indicators for the improvement of news gathering for diverse audience attentions and habits.
February 8, 2018
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February 27, 2018
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February 27, 2018
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Pure Opinion
February 8, 2018
This was a fun article to read, especially since I'm coming across it on Tribeworthy which seems to address many of the issues/recommendations Tyner makes in the piece. It was a great article that I tend to agree with, but for the sake of future articles by Tyner, I've reviewed it as an Opinion Piece. I agree with Victor J.'s review that there should be more linked sources, but this is mostly an opinion piece which explains why sourcing wasn't the focus. Although it's an opinion piece, I do believe it is a valid opinion being expressed.
February 8, 2018
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February 8, 2018
A fantastic take on the disconnect between modern news consumers and the way news producers are creating and displaying content. There are some unnamed quotes and at times the express opinions of Tyner, but overall this piece is informative, introspective, and happens to be a viewpoint I share. Tyner believes that news consumers deserve a better, more efficient, and more design-friendly way of consuming information, and I think most news consumers would agree.
February 8, 2018
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