The Killer D.A.. Chesa Boudin’s Decarceration Disaster | by David Sacks | Medium
January 5, 202111 min read2258 words
Published: January 5, 2021  |  11 min read2258 words
Her name was Hanako Abe. Raised in Fukushima, Japan, she lived through the devastating 2011 tsunami and subsequent nuclear disaster and emigrated to America to attend university. After graduation in 2018, she settled in San Francisco and worked in commercial real estate. She post...
The Killer D.A.. Chesa Boudin’s Decarceration Disaster | by David Sacks | Medium Read more

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Hit Piece
January 11, 2021
The most progressive DA in history allowed someone out of the system and they were irresponsible and did a drunken felony. Yes, that is bad. But isn't locking innocent people up for decades also bad? Framed people getting extended prison terms is also bad. And what of non-violent offenders? The prison system is a flawed construct only suitable for violent sociopaths, not for people lacking resources or opportunity. Lastly, the racism in the justice system is now widely known. With Covid and other dangers, do we want to risk people's lives simply to punish? Or is it good for society to reconsider failed policies and corrupted institutions? I wouldn't consider this specific decision to be a sign that Boudin is any worse than any DA.
January 11, 2021
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Great Context
January 15, 2021
This article gives a good explanation as to why people in the city are fed up with chess’s loose approach towards prosecuting criminals
January 15, 2021
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January 12, 2021
Sacks is a corporate apologist with an axe to grind with self identified leftists like Boudin.
January 12, 2021
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January 11, 2021
This is a very powerful investigation into S.F.'s District Attorney, his upbringing, policies, and their results. Although David Sacks is clearly arguing in favor of a position, he backs up his claims with evidence and well-reasoned conclusions. I don't yet have an opinion on this matter, but this article does a good job outlining the negative aspects of the D.A.'s current approach.
January 11, 2021
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