Experts envision two scenarios if the new coronavirus isn't contained
March 10, 20209 min read1702 words
Published: March 10, 2020  |  9 min read1702 words
ith the spreading from person to person (possibly including from people without symptoms), reaching four continents, and traveling faster than SARS, driving it out of existence is looking increasingly unlikely.It’s still possible that quarantines and travel bans will first halt t...
Experts envision two scenarios if the new coronavirus isn't contained Read more

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March 11, 2020
It’s incredibly hard for non-scientific folks to read a “scare article” on the potential societal impact of Coronavirus & know that they’re getting the truth — not too sensational & not too dismissive. This article strikes the right tone & balance, backing up a few realistic scenarios with sourced testimony from noted experts. It remains to be seen what will actually happen, but I feel more informed in a useful, non-sensationalized way after reading this article
March 11, 2020
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Well Sourced
March 11, 2020
I agree with all the other reviewers, this is a great read. It feels like one of the most honest articles I've read on the coronavirus, providing quotes and sources from every angle. I especially like the straight talk feel to it with health officials warning that this virus could "very well become another seasonal pathogen that causes pneumonia."
March 11, 2020
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Well Sourced
March 11, 2020
Lots of valuable information about a highly contagious virus which may very well be with us for a long while
March 11, 2020
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March 11, 2020
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March 11, 2020
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Well Sourced
March 11, 2020
This article's a month old but while we have more info about SARS-CoV-2, it has details I haven't seen elsewhere. And nothing yet falsified. I had a hard time choosing between “well sourced” and “great context.” I thought the analysis of how this virus might mutate, how its seasonal pattern might change, how much it could be subject to a vaccine that could wipe it out as we did smallpox, were all interesting if not definitive.
March 11, 2020
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