How does the trial Oxford coronavirus vaccine work?
July 21, 20205 min read988 words
Published: July 21, 2020  |  5 min read988 words
We may earn a commission if you buy something from any affiliate links on our site. .The coronavirus pandemic has not exactly yielded much in the way of good news. But now a trial into an experimental Covid-19 vaccine is giving us one reason to be hopeful.Results from a team at t...
How does the trial Oxford coronavirus vaccine work? Read more

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Well Sourced
July 21, 2020
Yes. A good look at the referenced issue. Not particularly in depth but it gets the job done. The full study referred to is available, which is a us. I perused in lightly and can attest to the fact that the article itself is a good layman's overview. A bit niche though as it really only looks at one particular effort in regard to the pandemic. Nevertheless the Author does a good job within the limited parameter. A worthwhile read.
July 21, 2020
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July 22, 2020
Well written and informative especially for the laymen among us when it comes to epidemiology. Good job Matt.
July 22, 2020
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Well Sourced
July 21, 2020
Good lay explanation of the results. There are still many unknowns, as the article says. I wish there was more emphasis on the *uncertainty* of how long the body's immune system might stay alert to COVID based on this vaccine. It could've contrasted to other coronavirus vaccines, for example. That would've increased my confidence & earned the “great context” mark That still would leave the reader not knowing how well the vaccine may work, tho, so good job overall.
July 21, 2020
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