Vincent Barone
Vincent Barone
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Trump defends slow ramp descent after West Point commencement speech

Trump defends slow ramp descent after West Point commencement speech

President Trump is defending his slow, careful descent from a stage ramp at West Point earlier Saturday.Cameras had filmed Trump gingerly walking down the lengthy ramp after his speech, sparking wild speculation online from detractors that he has health issues.A tag trended online.“The ramp that I descended after my West Point Commencement speech was very long & steep, had no handrail and, most importantly, was very slippery,” .“The last thing I was going to do is ‘fall’ for the Fake News to have fun with. Final ten feet I ran down to level ground. Momentum!”In his first speech to...

June 14, 2020
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NYPD cops seek clarity on how to respond to tasing threat after Rayshard Brooks shooting

NYPD cops seek clarity on how to respond to tasing threat after Rayshard Brooks shooting

A New York City police union wants to know how cops should respond to the threat of being tased after an officer in Atlanta was for fatally shooting Taser-wielding Rayshard Brooks last week.The Sergeants Benevolent Association penned a letter to NYPD Commissioner Dermott Shea Friday asking for clear guidance should a similar situation arise.Currently, NYPD officers are trained that deadly physical force is acceptable when staring down a Taser.“We respectfully request that the department issue a clear directive answering the following question: if threatened with the use of a [conducted...

June 20, 2020
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Woman who threw Molotov cocktail at NYPD car hit with federal charge

Woman who threw Molotov cocktail at NYPD car hit with federal charge

The woman who allegedly threw a lit Molotov cocktail into an NYPD car full of cops early Saturday has been slapped with a federal charge of damaging a police vehicle — a far cry from the attempted murder charges sought by the NYPD.Samantha Shader, 27, of Catskill, New York, allegedly into the marked police vehicle parked at Eastern Parkway and Washington Avenue in Crown Heights, Brooklyn around 1:12 a.m, as a night of destructive protests over the winded down, federal prosecutors said.The bottle shattered two of the vehicle’s windows as four cops sat inside — but the gas inside did not...

May 31, 2020
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San Francisco socially distances its homeless encampments amid coronavirus pandemic

San Francisco socially distances its homeless encampments amid coronavirus pandemic

San Francisco is giving homeless encampments the social distance treatment.The city is joining others around the world in begrudgingly authorizing its homeless encampments by marking safely distanced spaces for tents and other makeshift shelters.In San Francisco’s Civic Center, about 80 tents are now lined in tidy rows on a wide street near San Francisco City Hall, part of a “safe sleeping village” opened last week.The village is one of two Mayor London Breed has planned to open, with another coming to the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood.Breed reasoned it was better to sanction and contain the...

May 23, 2020
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Ex-Philly election official pleads guilty to stuffing ballot box for Democrats

Ex-Philly election official pleads guilty to stuffing ballot box for Democrats

A former Philadelphia election official has pleaded guilty to taking thousands of dollars in bribes to stuff the ballot boxes for Democrats in local races between 2014 and 2016.Domenick J. DeMuro, 73, a former judge of elections in South Philadelphia, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to deprive Philadelphia voters of their civil rights when he padded the votes for the elected positions, U.S. Attorney William M. McSwain announced Thursday.“DeMuro fraudulently stuffed the ballot box by literally standing in a voting booth and voting over and over, as fast as he could, while he thought the coast...

May 22, 2020
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Trump plans to sign executive order targeting social media companies

Trump plans to sign executive order targeting social media companies

President Trump plans to sign an executive order Thursday targeting social media companies.White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany told reporters Wednesday evening that the order is “pertaining to social media,” but no further details were given.Trump earlier in the day against social media companies he believes are censoring Republicans and threatened to “shut them down” should they continue.The measure comes during the fallout of Twitter’s decision Tuesday to to the bottom of two of Trump’s tweets about mail-in voting. The social media site’s decision outraged Trump, who has for been...

May 28, 2020
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Man accused of punching NYPD chief, cops on Brooklyn Bridge released without bail

Man accused of punching NYPD chief, cops on Brooklyn Bridge released without bail

The Bronx man who allegedly punched NYPD Chief Terence Monahan and two other officers during Wednesday has been released without bail.Quran Campbell, 25, is accused of socking the highest-ranking uniformed cop several times in the face as Monahan tried to arrest him after Campbell had allegedly punched another NYPD officer and lieutenant near the Manhattan approach to the bridge.Campbell was arraigned on assault charges in Manhattan criminal court and was granted supervised release.A second Bronx man, Banks Shaborn, 25, was also arraigned Thursday after allegedly clocking the same...

July 17, 2020
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Wisconsin driver intentionally crashes into motorcyclist because he was white

Wisconsin driver intentionally crashes into motorcyclist because he was white

A Wisconson man who struck and killed a motorcyclist told investigators he intentionally crashed head-first into the victim because he believed all Harley riders are “white racists,” local officials said.Daniel Navarro, 27, of Fond du Lac, has been charged with a homicide as a hate crime after he allegedly veered across a road around 6:45 p.m. last Friday to hit former Marine and police officer Phillip Thiessen, 55, on his Harley Davidson, the county sheriff said Thursday.“Navarro told detectives that he believed the person driving the motorcycle was white because in Wisconsin, white people...

July 11, 2020
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Ivanka Trump’s personal assistant latest to test positive for coronavirus

Ivanka Trump’s personal assistant latest to test positive for coronavirus

The coronavirus continues to circle uncomfortably close to the White House.Ivanka Trump’s personal assistant has reportedly tested positive for the coronavirus, and the FDA commissioner has been forced to self-quarantine after exposure to another staffer who came down with the disease.The aide to Trump has been teleworking and hasn’t been in the presence of the president’s daughter in weeks, a source .And FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn has been forced to self-isolate for two weeks after exposure to Miller,Hahn was advised to do so after contact tracing linked him to coronavirus task force...

May 9, 2020
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Protesters burn Atlanta Wendy’s where cops fatally shot Rayshard Brooks

Protesters burn Atlanta Wendy’s where cops fatally shot Rayshard Brooks

Protesters set fire Saturday to the Atlanta Wendy’s where, the night before, a black suspect as he fired at two white cops with a stolen police Taser.Angry crowds protesting the racially charged shooting of Rayshard Brooks, a 27-year-old father of four from Atlanta, also shut down an interstate highway.Crowds of several hundred had gathered outside the fast-food restaurant all day Saturday, but began breaking windows of the establishment after sunset, .A fire started inside at around 9:30 pm., according to the paper.As smoke billowed from the restaurant, some protest organizers encouraged...

June 14, 2020
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