Steven Nelson
Steven Nelson
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Transcripts of Michael Flynn’s calls with Russian ambassador released

Transcripts of Michael Flynn’s calls with Russian ambassador released

The transcripts of calls between Michael Flynn and then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak after they were declassified by the Trump administration.Flynn, who briefly served as President Trump’s White House national security adviser, was fired in February 2017 and then pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about discussing sanctions and a UN vote with Kislyak in December 2016.Flynn says he did not intentionally lie and the Justice Department decided this month , finding FBI agents including Peter Strzok had no valid basis to interview Flynn days into Trump’s presidency.Four calls and one...

May 29, 2020
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Trump orders sanctions to halt international probe of US troops

Trump orders sanctions to halt international probe of US troops

President Trump on Thursday issued an executive order authorizing sanctions against anyone involved in an International Criminal Court investigation of Americans or US allies — as aides say Russia may be behind a probe of the war in Afghanistan.The international court’s appeals chamber in March of possible Afghanistan war crimes, rebuffing previous US warnings, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo last year on participants.The sweeping new order allows Pompeo to impose harsh economic penalties on ICC workers and any person or group that helps with investigations of the US or...

June 11, 2020
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Trump wants to debate Joe Biden before first mail-in ballots are sent out

Trump wants to debate Joe Biden before first mail-in ballots are sent out

President Trump says he wants the presidential debates earlier so that they can happen before ballots are mailed, and that he’s heard opponent Joe Biden wants to avoid the forums altogether.“The first debate should be at least before the first ballots go out and they have it a month later, almost a month later — it’s ridiculous,” Trump said Wednesday during a “Fox & Friends” interview.The president added, “What’s more important to me is the first debate be moved up so that when people are putting in their first ballot, they’re going to know.”Trump due to the coronavirus pandemic,...

August 5, 2020
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Trump offers to pay for funeral of slain soldier Vanessa Guillen

Trump offers to pay for funeral of slain soldier Vanessa Guillen

President Trump on Thursday offered to pay for the funeral of after disappearing in April from Fort Hood — and said he’s paid for other funerals for troops.Trump made the offer while hosting the family of Vanessa Guillen, who was 20, in the Oval Office. A male soldier suspected of killing Guillen near the Texas base committed suicide, .In response to a reporter’s question, Trump said he’s paid for other soldiers’ funerals.“I have, I have. I have to do it personally, I can’t do it through government,” Trump said. “I have because some families need help. They need help.”Guillen’s family...

July 30, 2020
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Trump scraps plan to throw opening pitch at Yankee Stadium in August

Trump scraps plan to throw opening pitch at Yankee Stadium in August

Sign up for our  to get a daily update on the coronavirus pandemic.President Trump on Sunday said he won’t as planned next month, citing his busy schedule.“Because of my strong focus on the China Virus, including scheduled meetings on Vaccines, our economy and much else, I won’t be able to be in New York to throw out the opening pitch for the @Yankees on August 15th. We will make it later in the season!” .The cancellation comes after Trump announced from the White House briefing room last week that he would throw the opening pitch when the Boston Red Sox play the Yankees.Trump...

July 26, 2020
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Trump says election results may take ‘years’ with mail-in ballots

Trump says election results may take ‘years’ with mail-in ballots

President Trump on Thursday evening broadened his attack on widespread mail-in voting, warning that it could delay the results of the presidential election.“Must know Election results on the night of the Election, not days, months, or even years later!” .Hours earlier, Trump suggested that Election Day be delayed from Nov. 3 so people can “securely and safely vote” during the coronavirus pandemic — only to be“Do I want to see a date change? No. But I don’t want to see a crooked election,” Trump told reporters at an evening press conference.“I don’t want to delay. I want to have the...

July 30, 2020
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Trump touts deregulation agenda and warns of ‘dismal future’ under Democrats

Trump touts deregulation agenda and warns of ‘dismal future’ under Democrats

President Trump on Thursday touted his administration’s deregulation agenda and warned of a “dismal future” if Democrats led by presidential candidate Joe Biden defeat him.Trump cast himself as a crusader against red tape during remarks in a second-straight stump-like speech at the White House, praising his rollback of vehicle emissions standards, watershed rules and a lightbulb ban.The president said he repealed almost eight regulations for every new one, and that businesses and property owners would suffer under Biden.“The American dream would be sniffed out so quickly and replaced with a...

July 16, 2020
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Not groovy, man: Congressman vows to stop DC from allowing magic mushrooms

Not groovy, man: Congressman vows to stop DC from allowing magic mushrooms

Maryland Republican Rep. Andy Harris says Washington, DC, won’t decriminalize psychedelic mushrooms, cacti and plants on his watch.Harris told The Post he’s appalled that drug reform activists what they say is enough signatures on the November ballot making natural hallucinogens the lowest law enforcement priority.Harris said he will force a House Appropriations Committee vote next week to stop it, using the power of Congress over DC’s budget.“This is a bald-faced attempt to just make these very serious, very potent, very dangerous — both short-term and long-term — hallucinogenic drugs...

July 8, 2020
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Trump says Joe Biden ‘plagiarized’ his new economic plan

Trump says Joe Biden ‘plagiarized’ his new economic plan

President Trump on Friday said his Democratic rival Joe Biden “plagiarized” his new “Buy American” economic plan.“He plagiarized from me. But he can never pull it off — he likes plagiarizing,” Trump told reporters on the White House lawn.Biden also ran for president in 1988 but dropped out due to a plagiarism scandal. He was lines from British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock in one of his speeches.Trump did not specify what Biden plagiarized, but the barb came after observers between Biden’s new economic messaging and Trump’s more established economic nationalism.On Thursday, Biden with...

July 10, 2020
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Trump: I should have fired John Bolton for botching North Korea nuclear talks

Trump: I should have fired John Bolton for botching North Korea nuclear talks

President Trump attacked his former national security adviser John Bolton on Thursday, saying he should have fired Bolton for “stupidly” tanking negotiations with North Korea by suggesting a “Libyan model” for nuclear talks.Trump lashed out at Bolton after news organizations published excerpts from his forthcoming book, “” — in which Bolton accuses Trump of “fundamentally unacceptable behavior.”“When Wacko John Bolton went on Deface the Nation and so stupidly said that he looked at the ‘Libyan Model’ for North Korea, all hell broke out,” Thursday. “Kim Jong Un, who we were getting along...

June 18, 2020

