Sanya Pelini
Sanya Pelini
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Forget everything you’ve heard, this is the right way to motivate your child - Raising-independent-kids

Forget everything you’ve heard, this is the right way to motivate your child - Raising-independent-kids

You are here: Forget everything you’ve heard, this is the right way to motivate your childHave you ever spent more hours than you should putting off something you hate doing? We all have. The truth is, lack of motivation is an issue that affects everyone, but it can be particularly difficult to deal with in children.Problem is, motivating an unmotivated child gets harder with time and children’s lack of motivation and can stay with them for year.So, what does the behavior of an unmotivated child look like?It is said that motivation must originate from the heart, and that most of the...

November 11, 2018
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Non-toy gifts for kids - Raising-independent-kids

Non-toy gifts for kids - Raising-independent-kids

You are here: Non-toy gifts for kidsThis post contains affiliate links for your convenience.Let’s face it – kids love toys, and we love giving them the toys they feel they can’t live without. But we all know where most of those toys end up – forgotten at the bottom of the toybox and eventually donated to charity or passed down to siblings or to other family members.The toys our kids keep receiving for their birthdays, Christmas, and other special occasions just keep piling up – and more arrive year in, year out.In this post I’ll be talking about:I’ll also give you a list of about 41...

January 11, 2020
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What to do when baby won’t sleep in crib - Raising-independent-kids

What to do when baby won’t sleep in crib - Raising-independent-kids

You are here: What to do when baby won’t sleep in cribThe products recommended here are affiliate links. This means that pruchasing these products helps support this blog at no extra cost to you. Please read the disclosure for more details.You’ve tried EVERYTHING. You’re at your wits’ end. No matter what you try, baby won’t sleep in crib. This happens more often than you might think, but knowing this information isn’t going to make things any easier for you. So what can you do when baby won’t sleep in the crib?In this article, we’ll look at some of the reasons why baby won’t sleep...

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50 Ways to Calm an Anxious Child Without Words (+PRINTABLE VISUAL ANXIETY CARDS) - Raising-independent-kids

50 Ways to Calm an Anxious Child Without Words (+PRINTABLE VISUAL ANXIETY CARDS) - Raising-independent-kids

You are here: 50 Ways to Calm an Anxious Child Without Words (+PRINTABLE VISUAL ANXIETY CARDS)This post contains affiliate links for your convenienceWe now know that using age-appropriate strategies to help children to learn to manage their big emotions by themselves is the most effective path to help calm your anxious child.But we also know that teaching them to deal effectively with difficult emotions can seem like an endless journey and can leave you pulling your hair out in despair!The development of children’s emotional intelligence is often a long and somewhat slippery...

September 23, 2018
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The only 10 things you need to know to reduce your child’s problem behavior - Raising-independent-kids

The only 10 things you need to know to reduce your child’s problem behavior - Raising-independent-kids

You are here: The only 10 things you need to know to reduce your child’s problem behaviorOlivia won’t do as she’s told. She will do anything to have her way – bite, hit, throw things, pull hair, kick, scratch, throw a mighty tantrum. She challenges every word and is generally defiant in her behavior.Mia is rude, disrespectful and talks back all the time.Noah’s teacher keeps asking to see you because his behavior in school is unacceptable. He is impulsive, aggressive, won’t listen to and follow instructions and is generally disruptive. Noah has trouble making and keeping friends.It can be...

October 7, 2018
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