Sandi Sidhu
Sandi Sidhu
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India suspends three China business deals as border tensions rise

India suspends three China business deals as border tensions rise

New Delhi/Hong Kong (CNN Business)Authorities in India are hitting pause on more than $600 million in deals with Chinese companies in the wake of a with China.Officials in the western Indian state of Maharashtra said Monday that they were reviewing agreements with three Chinese companies as they seek clarity from the Indian government on how — or whether — to proceed.The preliminary agreements were announced last week as part of a local government initiative to help revive the Indian economy from the . Growth in India was slowing long before the crisis, and GDP is this year for the first...

June 18, 2020
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India is using drones and fire trucks to fight its worst locust invasion in almost 30 years | CNN

India is using drones and fire trucks to fight its worst locust invasion in almost 30 years | CNN

By , , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — As India continues its battle with the coronavirus pandemic a new kind of invasion is threatening to destroy vital crops and vegetation – the worst the country has seen in almost 30 years.Waves of desert locusts – millions strong and stretching up to 7 kilometers (4 miles) long – crossed into India’s western state of Rajasthan from neighboring Pakistan in early May and swarms have since pushed into five different states in search of food.The desert locust is the most destructive of all locust species because of its speed and ability to...

June 2, 2020
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Coronavirus likely came from animal, not a lab, WHO draft report finds

Coronavirus likely came from animal, not a lab, WHO draft report finds

(CNN)Covid-19 probably came to people through an animal, and likely started spreading no more than a month or two before it was noticed in December of 2019, a World Health Organization draft report finds.The least likely source: a laboratory leak, the WHO's joint international team concluded.WHO is scheduled to release the final report on its investigation into the origins of coronavirus on Tuesday, but a draft version of the report obtained by CNN shows there's still no smoking gun and no evidence suggesting the virus was spreading any earlier than the very end of 2019.The report gives...

March 30, 2021
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She was shot dead, her body dug up and her grave filled with cement. But her fight is not over | CNN

She was shot dead, her body dug up and her grave filled with cement. But her fight is not over | CNN

By , , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Hours after her family, friends and thousands of mourners laid to rest, Myanmar’s security forces entered the cemetery under the cover of darkness, dumped the carefully placed flowers and wreaths, and dug up her grave.The following morning, in footage shared to CNN and from witness accounts, among the detritus left scattered around the desecrated grave were razor blades, rubber boots, surgical gowns, shovels, and a bloodied plastic glove.Angel’s grave had been filled with cement – a thick gray slab in place of flowers and tributes.Outrage...

March 13, 2021
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Increasing evidence that Myanmar's military forces are shooting to kill as country mourns young victims | CNN

Increasing evidence that Myanmar's military forces are shooting to kill as country mourns young victims | CNN

By , , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Zin Ko Ko Zaw, 22, killed by a bullet to the head. Ma “Angel” Kyal Sin, 19, fatally shot in the head. Nay Myo Aung, 16, killed by a bullet that pierced his lung.These are just three of more than 54 people believed by military junta since countrywide peaceful protest against the began.The lethal wounds and bullet holes puncturing the , as seen in photographs and detailed in conversations with family members, are part of a growing body of evidence indicating the junta’s security forces are now shooting to kill.“Everything points to troops...

March 5, 2021
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Increasing evidence that Myanmar's military forces are shooting to kill

Increasing evidence that Myanmar's military forces are shooting to kill

(CNN)Zin Ko Ko Zaw, 22, killed by a bullet to the head. Ma "Angel" Kyal Sin, 19, fatally shot in the head. Nay Myo Aung, 16, killed by a bullet that pierced his lung.These are just three of more than 54 people believed by military junta since countrywide peaceful protest against the began. The lethal wounds and bullet holes puncturing the , as seen in photographs and detailed in conversations with family members, are part of a growing body of evidence indicating the junta's security forces are now shooting to kill."Everything points to troops adopting shoot to kill tactics to suppress the ,...

March 5, 2021
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CNN Exclusive: WHO panel to recommend 'deeper' study of early Covid-19 clues | CNN

CNN Exclusive: WHO panel to recommend 'deeper' study of early Covid-19 clues | CNN

By and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — The World Health Organization’s preliminary report into the origins of the novel coronavirus will recommend more extensive contact tracing of the first known patient with Covid-19 in Wuhan, China, as well as the supply chain of nearly a dozen traders in the , which is thought to have played a role in the early spread of Covid-19 in late 2019, according to investigators familiar with the draft report.Independent scientists told CNN the rudimentary investigative work being recommended should have been done many months previously by Chinese...

February 21, 2021
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WHO panel to recommend deeper probe into farms that supply wet markets in Wuhan

WHO panel to recommend deeper probe into farms that supply wet markets in Wuhan

Sandi Sidhu And Nick Paton Walsh, CNN(CNN) -- The World Health Organization's preliminary report into the origins of the novel coronavirus will recommend more extensive contact tracing of the first known patient with Covid-19 in Wuhan, China, as well as the supply chain of nearly a dozen traders in the Huanan seafood market, which is thought to have played a role in the early spread of Covid-19 in late 2019, according to investigators familiar with the draft report.Independent scientists told CNN the rudimentary investigative work being recommended should have been done many months...

February 21, 2021
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WHO team heads to China bat lab at the center of coronavirus conspiracies | CNN

WHO team heads to China bat lab at the center of coronavirus conspiracies | CNN

By and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — A team of World Health Organization investigators are visiting a laboratory Wednesday that has been the about the origin of the .The WHO investigators began research in the central Chinese city last week, . Their work has been subject to intense scrutiny and political pressure from both within China and outside the country.Few places they are visiting are as controversial as a laboratory run by the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which officials in former US President Donald Trump’s administration suggested, , could have been the origin of the...

February 3, 2021
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WHO team investigating pandemic visits wet market, receives flu data | CNN

WHO team investigating pandemic visits wet market, receives flu data | CNN

By and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — A team of researching the origins of the coronavirus tell CNN they now have months of Chinese influenza data which might contain vital clues as to the early spread of the virus.On Sunday, the team visited the wet market thought to be central to the disease’s spread: The now disinfected and shuttered Huanan seafood market in the city of Wuhan, where an initial cluster of pneumonia-like illnesses were noticed by doctors in mid-December 2019. The market has become the anecdotal ‘ground-zero’ for COVID-19, even though later studies have suggested...

January 31, 2021
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