Rafael Bernal
Rafael Bernal
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House Democrats subpoena private prison operator in forced hysterectomy case

House Democrats subpoena private prison operator in forced hysterectomy case

by - 11/25/20 5:55 PM ET✕The House Oversight and Reform and the Homeland Security committees on Wednesday subpoenaed the head of the private prison company that operates a detention center where women were allegedly sent to receive unwanted gynecological procedures.Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), chairman of Homeland Security panel, and Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), chairwoman of the Oversight panel, for LaSalle Corrections Executive Director Rodney Cooper to appear before the committees on Dec. 9.“Despite the seriousness of the allegations taking place at their facility, LaSalle has...

November 25, 2020
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Koch Latino group plays for Hispanic voters in Georgia

Koch Latino group plays for Hispanic voters in Georgia

by - 11/19/20 9:43 AM ET✕A Latino political advocacy group tied to billionaire mega-donor Charles Koch is calling on Georgia’s Hispanic voters to support Sen. David Perdue (R) in his upcoming Jan. 5 runoff against Democratic challenger Jon Ossoff.The Libre Initiative Action — the political arm of the Libre Initiative advocacy group — launched its call to support Perdue on Thursday.President-elect Joe Biden won Georgia in the presidential election by a thin margin. Perdue also won more of the vote than Ossoff, but he failed to pass the 50 percent threshold needed to secure a victory...

November 19, 2020
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Young Kim takes down Democrat in California House rematch

Young Kim takes down Democrat in California House rematch

by - 11/13/20 8:56 PM ET✕Former California Assemblywoman Young Kim (R) has defeated Democratic Rep. Gil Cisneros in a rematch of 2018, returning a traditionally red seat to the GOP.The Associated Press called the race for Kim on Friday night, 10 days after the election. Kim led Cisneros by just over 1 percentage point with 99 percent of precincts reporting, according to the AP.Kim joins more than a dozen other Republican women elected to the House this year and will take over a seat held by Democrats for only one term after the retirement of Republican Ed Royce, who held the seat from...

November 14, 2020
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Fauci calls for racial and ethnic diversity in coronavirus vaccine trials

Fauci calls for racial and ethnic diversity in coronavirus vaccine trials

by - 09/30/20 5:31 PM ET✕National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci on Wednesday said coronavirus vaccine trials need to be conducted on a diverse population to make sure any potential vaccines are safe and effective for everyone. “We need to get a diverse representation of the population in the clinical trials,” Fauci told a panel of Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) members.“So when they are proven to be safe and effective, we can say they are safe and effective in everyone, not only in whites,” added Fauci. Fauci was speaking to the members...

September 30, 2020
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Florida Democrat introduces bill to recognize Puerto Rico statehood referendum

Florida Democrat introduces bill to recognize Puerto Rico statehood referendum

Follow Us   © 1996-2020 News Communication © Getty ImagesA bipartisan House group on Tuesday introduced a resolution to recognize the results of Puerto Rico's upcoming statehood referendum, which will be on the territory's ballots in November.The resolution, led by Rep. (D-Fla.), recognizes the validity of the referendum, declaring that the president and Congress would have a duty to move toward statehood if voters choose that option.November's referendum, the first yes/no vote on statehood that has been scheduled during a general election, was not sanctioned by the...

September 15, 2020
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Venezuela government detaining people who come in contact with coronavirus as ‘bioterrorists’: report

Venezuela government detaining people who come in contact with coronavirus as ‘bioterrorists’: report

Follow Us   © 1996-2020 News Communication © Getty ImagesThe Venezuelan government is reportedly cracking down on potential COVID-19 victims as "bioterrorists," and harassing experts and doctors who contradict its official line on coronavirus.The Nicolás Maduro government is also rounding up Venezuelans who have been abroad, for fear they could be contagious, .The returning Venezuelans are held in hotels, schools and bus stations, under military guard, with limited access to food, water and personal protective equipment, the Times reported.One Venezuelan nurse...

August 19, 2020
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