Nolan Hicks
Nolan Hicks
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De Blasio seriously declares himself the nation’s greatest mayor

De Blasio seriously declares himself the nation’s greatest mayor

Mayor Bill de Blasio’s own staff have excoriated him in public letters and with an unprecedented march across the Brooklyn Bridge over his handling of citywide protests — but that didn’t stop Hizzoner from declaring Friday that he’s the nation’s greatest mayor.“This is the strongest mayoralty in the country, in every sense, and the strongest city in the country, in every sense, and we can persevere through all sorts of challenges and we will. So I’m quite confident in what we can do in the next year and a half,” the term-limited mayor boasted at his daily City Hall press briefing.And he...

June 12, 2020
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De Blasio seriously declares himself the nation’s greatest mayor

De Blasio seriously declares himself the nation’s greatest mayor

Mayor Bill de Blasio’s own staff have excoriated him in public letters and with an unprecedented march across the Brooklyn Bridge over his handling of citywide protests — but that didn’t stop Hizzoner from declaring Friday that he’s the nation’s greatest mayor.“This is the strongest mayoralty in the country, in every sense, and the strongest city in the country, in every sense, and we can persevere through all sorts of challenges and we will. So I’m quite confident in what we can do in the next year and a half,” the term-limited mayor boasted at his daily City Hall press briefing.And he...

June 12, 2020
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De Blasio ‘proud’ of daughter Chiara’s arrest during George Floyd protests

De Blasio ‘proud’ of daughter Chiara’s arrest during George Floyd protests

Mayor Bill de Blasio on Monday commented on his daughter’s arrest during a Manhattan protest over the police-involved killing of George Floyd, saying that it was a “surprise” to him, but that he’s “proud” of her.De Blasio, speaking during his daily City Hall press briefing, said his 25-year-old daughter, Chiara, did not inform him or first lady Chirlane McCray “of her intention to get arrested” — and he first found out through a press inquiry to his office.“I love my daughter deeply, I honor her. I’m proud of her that she cares so much, she was willing to go out there and do something about...

June 1, 2020
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State courts slam Mayor de Blasio over NYC shooting surge

State courts slam Mayor de Blasio over NYC shooting surge

The top spokesman for the state’s court system told Mayor Bill de Blasio to “look in the mirror” when it comes to responsibility for the dramatic surge in gun violence across the Big Apple — after more than four dozen people.Hizzoner had earlier in violence on the massive disruptions the coronavirus pandemic has caused across the city, which included hobbling key portions of the criminal justice system for several months.“The Mayor’s blaming the Courts for the recent spike in violence in New York City is absurd, patently false and ridiculous,” blasted Lucian Chalfen, spokesman for the state...

July 6, 2020
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NYC ‘illegally’ placed pedophiles near Upper West Side playground

NYC ‘illegally’ placed pedophiles near Upper West Side playground

Sign up for our to get a daily update on the coronavirus pandemic.The city dumped at least six homeless pedophiles, all still on parole, at a just a block from an elementary-school playground — an apparent violation of state law, online records show.The outrage is only the latest slap in the face to residents of the Manhattan neighborhood — who as The Post reported have had to deal with everything from to open drug use since the city began moving hundreds of homeless into the area amid the coronavirus.“Completely unacceptable,” seethed Sabina Popovic, 32, who was at the playground with her...

August 8, 2020
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Over 80,000 mail-in ballots disqualified in NYC primary mess

Over 80,000 mail-in ballots disqualified in NYC primary mess

The mail-in ballots of more than 84,000 New York City Democrats who sought to vote in the presidential primary were disqualified, according to new figures released by the Board of Elections.The city BOE received 403,103 mail-in ballots for the June 23 Democratic presidential primary.But the certified results released Wednesday revealed that only 318,995 mail-in ballots were counted.That means 84,108 ballots were not counted or invalidated — 21 percent of the total.One out of four mail-in ballots were disqualified for arriving late, lacking a postmark or failing to include a voter’s...

August 5, 2020
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NYC Democratic Socialists blasted for quizzing City Council candidates over Israel

NYC Democratic Socialists blasted for quizzing City Council candidates over Israel

New York City’s Democratic Socialists of America chapter ignited a firestorm Friday for drawing up a survey asking City Council candidates if they will pledge to not visit Israel and support a boycott of the Jewish state.The questions about Israel come at the end of the 12-page questionnaire, which was sent out late last month and was obtained by The Post.“Do you pledge not to travel to Israel if elected to City Council in solidarity with Palestinians living under occupation,” asked the left-wing group, which in recent local political races.That question was immediately followed by the only...

August 14, 2020
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NYPD estimated to blow new overtime cap by $400M: budget watchdog

NYPD estimated to blow new overtime cap by $400M: budget watchdog

It’s just a paper cut!Gotham’s top budget watchdog projected Tuesday that the New York Police Department will blow its new overtime cap by $400 million, effectively undoing the biggest proposed spending cut the department faced in the city’s new budget.“The budget adopted last month assumes that overtime spending by the NYPD will fall to $268 million in 2021,” the Independent Budget Office wrote in its analysis of the deal struck by Mayor Bill de Blasio and City Council Speaker Corey Johnson in June, much of it triggered by the Black Lives Matter movement to reduce police funding.“IBO...

July 21, 2020
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De Blasio plans to cut NYPD budget by $1 billion as NYC shootings spike

De Blasio plans to cut NYPD budget by $1 billion as NYC shootings spike

Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday that he’s come up with a plan to cut or transfer $1 billion from the NYPD’s $6 billion budget and would not guarantee the department’s headcount won’t shrink — even as .“I’m excited to say we have a plan that can achieve real reform, that can achieve real redistribution — while at the same time ensure that we keep our city safe, while we make sure that our officers are on patrol around where we need them around this city,” de Blasio said during his daily City Hall press briefing.“We can do this, we can strike the balance, we can keep this city safe,” he...

June 29, 2020
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NYC Council set to legalize electric bikes and scooters

NYC Council set to legalize electric bikes and scooters

The City Council is set to approve legislation Thursday that will finally legalize electric bikes and scooters in New York City.The three bills will legalize bicycles with electric motors that can travel up to 25 mph and scooters that can travel up to 20 mph across the Big Apple — and would require the Department of Transportation to set up a Citi Bike-style e-scooter share pilot program outside of Manhattan.“With the legalization of e-bikes that travel only up to 25 mph, and restrictions on impoundment to those e-bikes that don’t meet this standard, our delivery workers, who provided an...

June 24, 2020
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