Miranda Devine
Miranda Devine
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Someone needs to pay the price for NASCAR’s noose fiasco: Devine

Someone needs to pay the price for NASCAR’s noose fiasco: Devine

Someone needs to pay for the NASCAR noose fiasco.It was never true that a , as a racist threat, in the Alabama garage stall of Bubba Wallace, the only black full-time driver on the NASCAR circuit.“” ­NASCAR boss Steve Phelps admitted Tuesday after 48 hours of ­incendiary hysteria.No kidding.Phelps didn’t even have the grace to act embarrassed about sending a gullible media off on a “wild noose chase” during a time of heightened racial tension.No fewer than 15 FBI agents were summoned to investigate the false alarm.The “noose,” they quickly discovered, was just a small loop tied to the...

June 25, 2020
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A ‘deplorables’ moment for Joe Biden shows why he won’t win the black vote: Devine

A ‘deplorables’ moment for Joe Biden shows why he won’t win the black vote: Devine

Joe Biden’s disastrous interview with on Friday encapsulates everything that is wrong with the Democratic Party and its presidential hopeful.“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, you ain’t black,” the former vice president blurted out at the end of the interview.It was a statement so staggeringly, primitively racist, that it landed like a gut punch to many black Americans, of all political persuasions, who took to the airwaves to denounce it over the weekend.“It played into the long-standing notion that the black vote is uncritical and guaranteed,” said...

May 25, 2020
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You can’t mask the Joe Biden mess: Devine

You can’t mask the Joe Biden mess: Devine

I’m sorry, but Joe Biden wearing a Michael Jackson mask and sunglasses that covered most of his face on Memorial Day.It was his first outing in more than 10 weeks from his Delaware basement and should have been an opportunity to project strength and hope for the campaign ahead.Instead, it was a total downer.Politics is about perception, and the image of Biden that history will record shows a frail and muzzled Democratic presidential nominee.The black mask only accentuates the impression with an extra dash of weirdness.As Biden shuffled out to his limo Monday, hand in hand with wife Jill, a...

May 28, 2020
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Nationwide George Floyd riots are the price of liberalism: Devine

Nationwide George Floyd riots are the price of liberalism: Devine

The tragedy of the was brought home by a distraught elderly black woman interviewed by the local ABC affiliate in her ruined south Minneapolis neighborhood.“These people did this for no reason,” , who lives in an apartment next to where shops were looted and burned Friday night. “They went straight to . . . every store over here that I go to. I have nowhere to go now and I have no way to get there because the buses aren’t running.”The violence “is not going to bring George back. George is in a better place than we are. I’m going to be honest, I wish I was where George was.”But liberal...

June 1, 2020
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Democrats are exposing themselves in Michael Flynn case: Devine

Democrats are exposing themselves in Michael Flynn case: Devine

Samantha Power was “the largest unmasker of US persons in our country’s history,” then-Rep. Trey Gowdy said in October 2017, when he was interviewing her during the House Intelligence Committee’s Russia probe.As US ambassador to the United Nations, she made hundreds of during the final year of the Obama administration, although her post had no obvious intelligence function.She asked that the identity of Gen. Michael Flynn be revealed in classified intelligence reports seven times between Election Day 2016 and the inauguration of President Trump on Jan. 20, 2017, although she testified later...

May 18, 2020
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Another blow dealt to public faith in scientific models: Devine

Another blow dealt to public faith in scientific models: Devine

The 2.7 million in New York state have developed antibodies through exposure. Meaning, with 16,000 COVID-19 deaths, the state’s mortality rate is a little less than 0.6 percent. Nowhere near as lethal as the dire 3.4 percent death rate the World Health Organization was billing early last month, and these figures will keep changing as more data comes to hand.And it wasn’t all because we are perfect practitioners of self-isolation and hand washing.The President’s coronavirus task force took into account those mitigation measures when it used an amalgam of models to predict that between...

April 25, 2020
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Wartime coronavirus mission can boost Trump: Devine

Wartime coronavirus mission can boost Trump: Devine

Sign up for our  to get a daily update on the coronavirus pandemic.President Trump has told allies that his re-election depends on one thing — his response to the coronavirus pandemic.But with , a six-byline New York Times exposé on the weekend laid the nation’s 20,000 COVID-19 deaths at his feet.Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats also show no reluctance to capitalize on tragedy to optimize their chances in November.So, as he readies himself for what he calls “the biggest decision of my life” — how and when to loosen restrictions and allow the economy to breathe — hanging over him is the...

April 13, 2020
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What is China covering up about the coronavirus?: Devine

What is China covering up about the coronavirus?: Devine

Days before the Wuhan wet market was bleached, whistleblowers were punished and virus samples were destroyed, someone at the high-security Wuhan Institute of Virology censored its virus database in an apparent attempt to disassociate the laboratory from a novel-coronavirus outbreak that would become a global pandemic.This is what open-source intelligence uncovered in the United Kingdom reveals.Substantial alterations to the WIV database on the evening of Dec. 30, the day before the World Health Organization was alerted to the outbreak of a cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan, are just...

May 7, 2020
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Is there a cure for anti-Trump disease?: Devine

Is there a cure for anti-Trump disease?: Devine

Whatever President Trump is for, the chattering classes are against it. Whatever he says, they will go to any lengths to prove him wrong. It’s a form of mass psychosis.Anti-Trump New York Times economist the methodology on Friday, admitting his “forecasting rule for the coronavirus era has been to take whatever Trump administration officials are saying and assume that the opposite will happen.”He also predicted that the rapid employment gains of May and June were a “dead-cat bounce” and job growth has “at best slowed to a crawl.”It won’t surprise you to know he was wrong. July job figures...

August 10, 2020
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Never Trumpers are always wrong: Devine

Never Trumpers are always wrong: Devine

President Trump gave an inspirational on Saturday, pitched at the Class of 2020, which will carry the burden of seeing the country through this turning point in its history.Not that you would know much about the speech because the usual suspects — including formerly respected military leaders — decided yet again to rain on the president’s parade, drowning out a unifying message with their latest creative iteration of Trump Derangement Syndrome.For them, no crisis is so serious that it can’t be grafted onto their psycho-narrative that Bad Orange Man is to blame for everything that has ever...

June 15, 2020

