Michael Laris
Michael Laris
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Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao’s office says no ‘nefarious motive’ for replacing acting inspector general

Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao’s office says no ‘nefarious motive’ for replacing acting inspector general

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareThe top lawyer in Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao’s office told congressional Democrats on Thursday there was no “nefarious motive” in replacing the department’s acting inspector general.President Trump on Friday sidelined acting inspector general Mitch Behm, a well-regarded career official, replacing him with the head of a key safety agency until a third official, a Justice Department lawyer, is confirmed to take the job permanently.Howard “Skip” Elliott, a former railroad executive Trump appointed as administrator...

May 21, 2020
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U.S. officials debate travel bans as coronavirus variant spreads in Britain

U.S. officials debate travel bans as coronavirus variant spreads in Britain

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareThe of the coronavirus that has been spreading rapidly in the United Kingdom may already be circulating in the United States and other countries, leading infectious-disease experts said Monday.There is no evidence that this variant causes more severe illness from covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. And scientists do not know with certainty whether this variant, officially known as B.1.1.7, is truly more transmissible. But it has the appearance of being so.“We don’t know that for absolutely certain, but...

December 22, 2020
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Biden says Buttigieg will play key role in rebuilding country after pandemic

Biden says Buttigieg will play key role in rebuilding country after pandemic

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift SharePresident-elect Joe Biden formally introduced Pete Buttigieg as his nominee to run the Transportation Department on Wednesday, saying the former mayor of South Bend, Ind., will play a significant role at the intersection of his administration’s plans to put the nation back on its feet after the coronavirus pandemic.The choice of Buttigieg, who sought the Democratic presidential nomination and has an ardent following among some members of the party, will bring a dash of star power to what is normally a staid, if important,...

December 16, 2020
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CDC to passengers and workers: Wear a mask when you are on a plane, train, bus or other public transit

CDC to passengers and workers: Wear a mask when you are on a plane, train, bus or other public transit

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday strongly recommended in that all passengers and workers on planes, trains, buses and other public transportation wear masks to control the spread of the novel coronavirus.The guidance was issued following pressure from the airline industry and amid of the coronavirus and strong evidence on the in curbing transmission, according to CDC officials.The recommendations fall short of what transportation industry leaders and unions had sought, and come long after evidence...

October 19, 2020
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Trump officials hindered at least nine key oversight probes, watchdogs said. Some may finally be released in coming months.

Trump officials hindered at least nine key oversight probes, watchdogs said. Some may finally be released in coming months.

This article was published more than 1 year agoCommentGift ShareAlmost as soon as she opened a politically charged investigation in 2019 into whether the Trump White House blocked hurricane relief to a devastated Puerto Rico, the internal watchdog at the Department of Housing and Urban Development ran into obstacles.HUD demanded that their attorneys sit in on witness interviews, a tactic inspectors general said was unusual and could shape witness testimony. White House officials told top agency appointees to withhold their communications, and interviews show. Other records took months...

March 23, 2021
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