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Fox News Insists That Joe Biden Didn’t Really Pick Kamala Harris

Fox News Insists That Joe Biden Didn’t Really Pick Kamala Harris

It took Fox News no more than an hour after Joe Biden as his running mate to start dabbling in wild speculation and conspiracy theories about the hidden, nefarious reasons behind the pick. In the day after the ex-veep and presumptive Democratic nominee announced his running mate, Fox News hosts pushed a number of unsupported theories largely centered around two themes: Harris forced her way onto the ticket and intends to usurp or overtake Biden; and/or Biden is not mentally capable of selecting his own running mate, and so Harris was installed by a shadowy, unseen puppeteer.The New...

August 12, 2020
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‘Terrified’ Newspaper’s Staff Were Forced to Return to Office. Now There’s a COVID-19 Case in the Building.

‘Terrified’ Newspaper’s Staff Were Forced to Return to Office. Now There’s a COVID-19 Case in the Building.

Executives at South Carolina’s largest newspaper asked staff to return to work in the office full-time despite concerns about the coronavirus. Now, there’s a COVID-19 case in the paper’s building. Multiple sources told The Daily Beast that Post and Courier higher-ups have informed staff in recent days of one confirmed case in the paper’s Charleston office. Upon learning the news, employees were horrified.“Disgusted, distraught, angry,” one staffer said, describing the mood. After The Daily Beast reached out for comment, the newspaper’s bosses confirmed the coronavirus case to...

June 17, 2020
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Staff Calls for Shutdown of Sports Illustrated Publisher’s ‘Blue Lives Matter’ Site

Staff Calls for Shutdown of Sports Illustrated Publisher’s ‘Blue Lives Matter’ Site

Employees at , the U.S. digital-media publisher that owns outlets like Sports Illustrated and Maxim, are calling upon the company to cut ties with a Blue Lives Matter website in its portfolio.In an all-staff meeting on Friday, Maven announced that it will institute a 15-percent salary reduction across the organization as part of cost-saving measures as a result of the t following the spread of the coronavirus. While staffers were upset about the latest round of cuts, many raised another concern: The company’s continued affiliation with Defense Maven, a website also known as Blue Lives...

June 6, 2020
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LinkedIn Staffers Go All-Lives-Matter During ‘Dumpster Fire’ Meeting on Racism

LinkedIn Staffers Go All-Lives-Matter During ‘Dumpster Fire’ Meeting on Racism

LinkedIn prides itself on being the highly professional, troll-free antithesis to all other social-media platforms. But on Wednesday, the company’s own internal meetings looked more like a “dumpster fire” Facebook comments section than anything on the company’s famously civil website.Earlier this week, the career networking website announced that it would hold a virtual global town hall to address the sparked by the Minneapolis . The meeting was billed as an event to discuss racial inequality by “reflecting on our own biases, practicing allyship, and intentionally driving equitable...

June 4, 2020
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Fox News Hosts Downplay Coronavirus, but Network Brass Take It Very Seriously, Memo Shows

Fox News Hosts Downplay Coronavirus, but Network Brass Take It Very Seriously, Memo Shows

As the continues to spread worldwide and throughout the U.S., some Fox News hosts have actively downplayed its severity, and the media of pushing a hoax President Donald Trump. In stark contrast, Fox News brass is taking the outbreak very seriously.In a Thursday memo to staff, obtained by The Daily Beast, Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott and network president Jay Wallace warned employees about the risks of COVID-19, and announced steps the network will take to combat its spread, including telecommuting, reduced in-studio guest bookings, and enhanced office cleanings.Fox News brass also emphasized...

March 12, 2020
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NBC Reports One of Its News Staffers Has Died From Coronavirus

NBC Reports One of Its News Staffers Has Died From Coronavirus

NBC News said early Friday that a staffer who tested positive for the coronavirus has died.In a memo to staff, NBC Chairman Andy Lack told network staff that “longtime member of our NBC News family” Larry Edgeworth had died after testing positive for the coronavirus. The NBC and MSNBC chief said that Edgeworth, an audio technician for the network, had “suffered from other health issues that led him to succumb to the illness,” and was a beloved member of the team. “Many of you were fortunate enough to work with Larry over the years, so you know that he was the guy you wanted by your...

March 20, 2020
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BuzzFeed Slashing Employee Pay Amid the Coronavirus Crisis

BuzzFeed Slashing Employee Pay Amid the Coronavirus Crisis

BuzzFeed is cutting pay for its employees as the company attempts to weather the coronavirus pandemic.In an internal memo on Wednesday, the company announced a graduated salary reduction for the majority of employees for the months of April and May, adding that company brass would meet with the news union to ratify the cuts.Staffers in the lowest bracket—which includes anyone making under $65,000 annually—would experience a five-percent reduction, while those making between $65,000-$90,000 would experience a seven-percent cut. Other staff would take nearly a 10-percent pay cut, while...

March 25, 2020
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Wired Staff Unionizing as Condé Nast Bosses Weigh Coronavirus Layoffs

Wired Staff Unionizing as Condé Nast Bosses Weigh Coronavirus Layoffs

Writers at the technology outfit Wired magazine will form an editorial union as the publication’s parent company Condé Nast plans deep cuts amid the coronavirus-fueled economic downturn that has ravaged the media landscape.Organizers informed magazine managers on Wednesday morning that they will unionize with the NewsGuild of New York, which represents staff at a number of other publications including The Daily Beast.“WIRED has always focused on the future, the better to prepare readers for its promise and upheaval,” the union said in its mission statement. “Now it’s time to secure our own...

April 22, 2020
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Fox News Is Obsessed With Tara Reade. They Barely Mentioned Trump’s Rape Accuser.

Fox News Is Obsessed With Tara Reade. They Barely Mentioned Trump’s Rape Accuser.

Fox News has unsurprisingly become the go-to cable-news outlet for chatter about about former Vice President Joe Biden. But when it came to similar (and more voluminous) allegations against his opponent, President Donald Trump, the network was seemingly nowhere to be found. Earlier this year, claimed that the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee forced her against a wall and put his hands up her skirt when she worked as a staffer in his Senate office in the early 1990s. The narrative became instant red meat for Fox News, which has made the allegations one of its top stories...

May 4, 2020
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Trump DHS Violated Federal Rules by Outing Immigrants to Right-Wing Media Outlets, Activists Claim

Trump DHS Violated Federal Rules by Outing Immigrants to Right-Wing Media Outlets, Activists Claim

A left-leaning group has accused the Department of Homeland Security of violating federal regulations by revealing private information about immigrants to reporters at conservative news outlets.On Monday, , a liberal anti-corruption advocacy group, sent a letter to the DHS Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties requesting that the agency open an investigation into the department’s press office.The organization said that according to emails obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests, DHS communications staff had on at least ten occasions provided or confirmed to reporters...

May 11, 2020
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