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Wear a Mask. If Only It Were That Simple.

Wear a Mask. If Only It Were That Simple.

This story is from a reporting partnership that includes , , , KHN and .Nils Hase, a retiree who lives in Tarpon Springs, Florida, is wearing a mask and loading his Home Depot haul into his car on a recent weekday afternoon. In the store, because Home Depot insists customers and staff across the country wear masks, most faces were covered. But out here in the parking lot, in a state with a serious infection rate but no mask mandate, plenty of those masks hang down around people’s chins.“It bothers me. They are being defiant,” Hase said. “And most of the people I see that walk in without a...

October 2, 2020
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In Los Angeles, Latinos Hit Hard By Pandemic’s Economic Storm

In Los Angeles, Latinos Hit Hard By Pandemic’s Economic Storm

This story is part of a partnership that includes , and Kaiser Health News.Working as a fast-food cashier in Los Angeles, Juan Quezada spends a lot of his time these days telling customers how to wear a mask.“They cover their mouth but not their nose,” he said. “And we’re like, ‘You gotta put your mask on right.'”Quezada didn’t expect to be enforcing mask-wearing. Six months ago, he was a restaurant manager, making $30 an hour, working full time and saving for retirement. But when Los Angeles County health officials shut down most restaurants in March because of the spreading pandemic,...

September 25, 2020
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Rechazan a cuidadores familiares en sitios de vacunación contra covid de California

Rechazan a cuidadores familiares en sitios de vacunación contra covid de California

Noticias en español es una sección de Kaiser Health News que contiene traducciones de artículos de gran interés para la comunidad hispanohablante, y contenido original enfocado en la población hispana que vive en los Estados Unidos.Este contenido puede usarse de manera gratuita ().En California, la confusión y la comunicación fallida han provocado que algunos padres elegibles y cuidadores familiares de personas con discapacidades sean rechazados en los sitios de vacunación de covid.Oscar Madrigal es uno de esos cuidadores. Sus dos hijos están en el espectro del autismo y el menor requiere...

March 3, 2021
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In California, Caregivers of People With Disabilities Are Being Turned Away at COVID Vaccine Sites

In California, Caregivers of People With Disabilities Are Being Turned Away at COVID Vaccine Sites

This story is part of a partnership that includes , and . It can beIn California, confusion and botched communication has caused some eligible parents and family caregivers of people with disabilities to be turned away at covid vaccination sites.Oscar Madrigal is one of those caregivers. His two sons are on the autism spectrum and his youngest requires almost constant care.As the vaccination effort began, Madrigal hoped he and others like him would be prioritized, and he didn’t have long to wait. In January, the California Department of Developmental Services stating that family members...

March 3, 2021
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As LA County Sets New Infection Record, State Leaders’ Behavior Sends Mixed Messages

As LA County Sets New Infection Record, State Leaders’ Behavior Sends Mixed Messages

This story is from a reporting partnership that includes ,  and KHN.California, like the rest of the nation, is seeing a dramatic rise in COVID infections and deaths — and Los Angeles County has some of the most dire statistics.Health officials reported more than 7,500 new cases in the county on Tuesday, shattering the old record, set last week. Hospitalizations tripled in the past month, and on average 30 people are dying of COVID-19 in the county every day.The most populous county in the country, Los Angeles leads all U.S. counties in , according to statistics compiled...

December 3, 2020
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They Work in Several Nursing Homes to Eke Out a Living, Possibly Spreading the Virus

They Work in Several Nursing Homes to Eke Out a Living, Possibly Spreading the Virus

November 2, 2020To make ends meet, Martha Tapia works 64 hours a week at two Orange County, California, nursing homes. She is one of thousands of certified nursing assistants who perform the intimate and physical work of bathing, dressing and feeding the nation’s fragile elderly.“We do everything for them. Everything you do for yourself, you have to do for the residents,” Tapia said.And she’s one of many in that low-paid field,  who work at more than one facility.In March, when the coronavirus began racing through nursing homes, the . (That guidance has .) But even with the...

November 2, 2020
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En Los Angeles, la tormenta económica por la pandemia ha pegado fuerte en los latinos

En Los Angeles, la tormenta económica por la pandemia ha pegado fuerte en los latinos

Noticias en español es una sección de Kaiser Health News que contiene traducciones de artículos de gran interés para la comunidad hispanohablante, y contenido original enfocado en la población hispana que vive en los Estados Unidos.Este contenido puede usarse de manera gratuita ().Al trabajar como cajero de comida rápida en Los Angeles, Juan Quezada pasa mucho de su tiempo estos días diciéndole a los clientes cómo usar una máscara.“Se cubren la boca pero no la nariz”, dijo. “Y nosotros les decimos: ‘Tienes que ponerte la máscara bien'”.Forma parte del grupo de Facebook de Kaiser Health News...

September 25, 2020
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Injured And Uninsured, Protesters Get Medical Aid From LA Doctor

Injured And Uninsured, Protesters Get Medical Aid From LA Doctor

This story is part of a partnership that includes   and Kaiser Health News.It wasn’t Deon Jones’ fractured cheekbone or even his concussion that most worried Dr. Amir Moarefi. He was most concerned that Jones could go blind.“He sustained a rubber bullet direct injury to the cheek, which broke his zygomatic bone, which is your cheekbone, literally about an inch and a half from his eye and about another inch and a half from his temple,” Moarefi said.The death of George Floyd led to a national wave of protests against police brutality and racism. Law enforcement’s attempts to control...

June 19, 2020
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New Coronavirus Hot Spots Emerge Across South And In California, As Northeast Slows

New Coronavirus Hot Spots Emerge Across South And In California, As Northeast Slows

This story is part of a partnership that includes , , and .Mass protests against police violence across the U.S. have public health officials concerned about an accelerated spread of the coronavirus. But even before the protests began May 26, by the May 25 death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, several states had been recording big jumps in the number of COVID-19 cases.The head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Robert Redfield, registered his concern at a Thursday. He shook his head as a congresswoman showed him photos of of people at the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri...

June 10, 2020
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