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Navarro Defends Trump, Claims ‘the Lord’ Created Executive Orders

Navarro Defends Trump, Claims ‘the Lord’ Created Executive Orders

White House trade adviser Peter Navarro for on Sunday, claiming “the Lord” created executive orders to cut through partisanship and calling Donald Trump the “hardest-working president in history” when confronted on Trump’s latest golf weekend.Amid stalled coronavirus relief negotiations between Democrats, Republicans, and the White House, the from his New Jersey golf club this weekend. The potentially illegal orders Trump signed reduces the unemployment benefit bonus to $400 a week, requires states to fund 25 percent, provinces a payroll tax holiday, and calls for a continued eviction...

August 9, 2020
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Trump’s Economic Adviser Doesn’t Understand Trump’s COVID Relief Orders

Trump’s Economic Adviser Doesn’t Understand Trump’s COVID Relief Orders

White House chief economic adviserappeared extremely confused by the executive actions President Donald Trump signed over the weekend to extend unemployment benefits, repeatedly claiming on Sunday that out-of-work Americans will receive far more money Trump’s orders say.Amid, the president attempted to do by issuing a series of orders from his New Jersey golf course. One action , reducing the amount to $400 and requiring states to play 25 percent of the benefits. It is unclear how many states will be able to afford to pay their share of the bonus.During a lengthy and contentious CNN...

August 9, 2020
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CNN Anchor Drags Trump Campaign Adviser: ‘You’re Just Saying a Bunch of Crap!’

CNN Anchor Drags Trump Campaign Adviser: ‘You’re Just Saying a Bunch of Crap!’

CNN anchor on Tuesday got fed up with Trump campaign senior advisor Mercedes Schlapp during a heated exchange on mail-in voting, eventually telling the longtime lobbyist that their conversation was “pointless” because she was “just saying a bunch of crap.”Keilar, who in recent weeks has in , brought on Schlapp to talk about President Donald Trump’s sudden pivot to encouraging Floridians to vote by mail after baselessly that mail-in ballots are rife with fraud.“Whether you call it Vote by Mail or Absentee Voting, in Florida the election system is Safe and Secure, Tried and True,” ....

August 4, 2020
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Trump Not Impressed by John Lewis: ‘He Didn’t Come to My Inauguration’

Trump Not Impressed by John Lewis: ‘He Didn’t Come to My Inauguration’

refused to say whether he found the civil rights icon impressive, grumbling that the longtime Democratic congressman and voting rights pioneer didn’t come to his inauguration or State of the Union addresses. Toward the end of a wide-ranging interview in which Axios reporter grilled him on coronavirus and , the president was asked whether he believed systemic racism exists.After saying “I hope the answer to that question is no,” Trump attempted to deflect when confronted with the facts that Black men disproportionately die at the hands of police compared to whites. “OK, if that’s...

August 4, 2020
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Trump’s Coronavirus Testing Czar: Time to ‘Move On’ From Hydroxychloroquine

Trump’s Coronavirus Testing Czar: Time to ‘Move On’ From Hydroxychloroquine

Assistant Secretary for Health Adm. pushed back against President Donald Trump’s obsession with unproven anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine on Sunday, stating unequivocally that he “can’t recommend” the drug as a coronavirus treatment and that it’s time to “move on” from it.Over the past week, the president and have of the controversial medication after a fringe group of doctors touted it as a coronavirus “cure” in a viral video. Trump the video even after finding out that Dr. Stella Immanuel, one of the most outspoken members of the group, “alien DNA” was in medicine and some female...

August 2, 2020
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Trump Brags About Siccing 75K ‘Tough’ Feds on Cities Like Chicago

Trump Brags About Siccing 75K ‘Tough’ Feds on Cities Like Chicago

President Donald Trump openly mused on Thursday night about sending tens of thousands of federal agents into major U.S. cities experiencing unrest, claiming he could “solve these problems so fast” if those cities just “invited” the 75,000 “tough” feds he supposedly has ready to go.Trump, who of hundreds of FBI and Justice Department personnel into Chicago to ostensibly combat violent crime, mused openly about his recent “law and order” push with Fox News host and close confidant Sean Hannity.The president first brought up Portland, which is currently the scene of , boasting that he...

July 24, 2020
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Tom Cotton: Portland Protesters Are Just Like Confederate ‘Insurrectionists’

Tom Cotton: Portland Protesters Are Just Like Confederate ‘Insurrectionists’

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) on Tuesday compared anti-racism protesters in Portland to—of all people—Confederate “insurrectionists,” likening the Trump administration’s to Abraham Lincoln defending Fort Sumter.With unidentified Homeland Security agents roaming the streets of Portland in unmarked vehicles and apprehending protesters, both President Donald Trump and acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf have defended the actions as necessary to protect federal property. And on Monday, to send more feds to other cities.“New York and Chicago and Philadelphia, Detroit, and Baltimore and all of these—Oakland...

July 21, 2020
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Chris Wallace to Trump: Cognitive Exam 'Not the Hardest Test’, Involves Identifying an Elephant

Chris Wallace to Trump: Cognitive Exam 'Not the Hardest Test’, Involves Identifying an Elephant

Fox News anchor found himself entangled in a weird and bizarre debate with President Donald Trump over the president’s cognitive tests boasts, pointing out how easy the test is and that one of the questions merely asks the taker to identify a picture of an elephant., the president bragged that Walter Reed doctors were “very surprised” that he recently “aced” a cognitive test, calling on former Vice President Joe Biden to take the same exam.“They said, ‘that’s an unbelievable thing. Rarely does anybody do what you just did,’ Trump told Hannity on July 9. “But [Biden] should take that same...

July 19, 2020
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Fox News Host Admits She Doesn’t Trust Fox Polls, Deliberately Misleads Pollsters

Fox News Host Admits She Doesn’t Trust Fox Polls, Deliberately Misleads Pollsters

Fox News host admitted on Thursday that she doesn’t trust her own network’s polling—conducted by a group considered among the —while also claiming on-air that she deliberately misleads pollsters when they call her.With by double digits in many national and , a narrative has formed that there are so-called “secret Trump voters” who don’t feel comfortable expressing their support for the president. A , which finds Biden up by 13 points, shows that a majority of voters in the state believe a secret Trump vote exists.“The media consistently reports that Biden is in the lead, but voters remember...

July 16, 2020
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Tucker Carlson Peddles Sexist Smear Against Kamala Harris

Tucker Carlson Peddles Sexist Smear Against Kamala Harris

Fox News host revived a sexist jab against newly named Democratic vice-presidential pick Kamala Harris, implying that she got ahead in her political career due to a brief personal relationship with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown.Carlson, who for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden to prioritize a Black female running mate, kicked off Tuesday night’s broadcast by tearing into the California senator.Right away, the Fox News star said that while other vice presidential contenders had “sincere beliefs,” Harris is the “opposite of that” and the “single most...

August 12, 2020

