Julia Steele
Julia Steele
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OCCC Is A 21st-Century Poorhouse And Asylum. We Must Do Better

OCCC Is A 21st-Century Poorhouse And Asylum. We Must Do Better

The misuse of our jail is rampant. It doesn’t have to be that way.The Oahu Community Correctional Center, better known as “O Triple C,” is a grim place. From the street you can see foreboding gray guard towers and long spirals of concertina wire sitting atop the jail’s chain-link fence, but these only hint at what’s inside.Once you enter OCCC and the doors slam shut, you are in a different world. The buildings are old, the air is stale and the atmosphere is tense, particularly in the noisy and overcrowded module that inmates call “The Thunderdome” in a nod to the post-apocalyptic arena in...

September 20, 2020
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Hypocrisy In Hawaii's House Of Representatives

Hypocrisy In Hawaii's House Of Representatives

How can legislators justify giving themselves a raise when they refuse to hold hearings on increasing the minimum wage?The House of Representatives in Hawaii is where good ideas go not for debate and refinement but simply to die without vote or discussion.Such is the power and arrogance of House “leadership.”Whether it’s increasing taxes on the highest income earners in the state, the legalization of cannabis, cutting taxes for the unemployed or increasing the minimum wage, when House leadership says no, you can take that to the bank (or the Chamber of Commerce).After all, that’s probably...

March 22, 2021
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It’s Time For Hawaii To Tax The Rich

It’s Time For Hawaii To Tax The Rich

We are facing an urgent test of our moral character.Tax the rich.As the economic downturn continues, that singular phrase has become more than a trendy progressive rallying cry. It’s a statement about the restructuring of our social and economic priorities, which have been upended by the pandemic.Today, our state is facing an estimated $1.4 billion budget shortfall.Congress’ recently passed $900 billion relief package will provide a short-term boost to our state’s finances but not at a level needed to stem future fiscal discomfort.The Hawaii Department of Education, for example, is...

January 19, 2021
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Nick Ochs And Hawaii: A Harbinger Of Local, Right-Wing Politics In Our State?

Nick Ochs And Hawaii: A Harbinger Of Local, Right-Wing Politics In Our State?

Is the Proud Boy an anomaly or a sign of something deeper?People following state and national news are probably aware that Hawaii resident and local political candidate Nick Ochs was arrested for participating in the fatal, right-wing riot last Wednesday in Washington D.C.They might also know that authorities swiftly apprehended Ochs in Honolulu. Ochs’ arrest was in fact national news with the New York Daily News reporting, “The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Hawaii  Nick Ochs was arrested for ‘Unlawful Entry into the United States Capitol Building.’”But what...

January 12, 2021
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Singapore Makes Housing Work. Can We Do The Same?

Singapore Makes Housing Work. Can We Do The Same?

The success of Singapore’s public housing holds lessons for Hawaii — and solutions.Singapore is an island less than half the size of Oahu with over five million people.Approximately 82% of its population lives in abundant, inexpensive, well-maintained public housing. The government builds enough public housing for every Singaporean who wants it. And because most of Singapore’s public housing is sold, not rented, the homeownership rate is over 90%.Singapore’s housing policies are innovative and implemented efficiently, but they are not magic spells unique to that country. The success of...

January 10, 2021
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The Latest Cuts In Education Fail Hawaiians — And All Of Us

The Latest Cuts In Education Fail Hawaiians — And All Of Us

The state of Hawaii has a legal and moral obligation to provide an educational system that promotes Hawaiian language, culture and history.On Thursday night, the state Board of Education (BOE) approved a proposal to slash the Department of Education (DOE)’s operating budget by $119.5 million in order to stave off COVID-19 related deficits.These cuts come “on top of an already recurring $100.2 million general fund reduction” and will be followed by “additional reductions ranging anywhere from 10% to 30%”According to the president of the Hawaii State Teachers Association, Corey Rosenlee,...

December 7, 2020
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TheBus Should Be Free

TheBus Should Be Free

Eliminating bus fare would protect the health of riders and operators, lower Honolulu's sky-high cost of living and promote a greener future.TheBus may be the only public transit system in the United States to be by the American Public Transportation Association as the nation’s “Best Transit System,” but one thing could still be done to revolutionize transit on Oahu: Make TheBus free.What was once considered a crazy idea has moved into the mainstream over the last couple years as places from to the have all gone fare free, so why not Honolulu too?Introducing zero fare transit would actually...

December 31, 2020
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Invest In Interns To Build Hawaii's Future

Invest In Interns To Build Hawaii's Future

Contrary to what local folks may think, local talent is of a very high quality.I’ve been accused of being an optimist. I’m guilty as charged — but for good reason.Like most, I follow the news and realize that there are many valid reasons to be pessimistic: Hawaii’s cargo cult tourist economy. The ALICE report, detailing the struggles of those who are Asset Limited, Income Constrained and Employed. Incomplete or absent government policies. Outmigration. The global pandemic. And so on.However, my guess is that most readers have heard this all before. So, at the risk of sounding...

December 28, 2020
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Who’s Really The Party Of The Rich?

Who’s Really The Party Of The Rich?

The true divide in America today is not a political one.The U.S. has the highest level of income inequality of , with over 40 million people living in poverty. Between 1980 and 2014 (the span of one generation), the income of the of U.S. earners (adjusted for inflation) basically stagnated while for the top 10% of earners, it increased 121% and for the top 1%, it increased 205%. The majority of America’s millennials today are than their parents were at a similar age.December 2, 20205 min readCivil Beat is a small nonprofit newsroom, and we’re committed to a paywall-free website and...

December 1, 2020
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Tom Yamachika: Why Doesn’t The State Know How Much Money It Has?

Tom Yamachika: Why Doesn’t The State Know How Much Money It Has?

The state has special funds that are sitting idle and holding hundreds of millions of dollars.For most of us, if we are asked how much money we have (perhaps by a bank or a credit union that is considering lending us money), answering the question isn’t terribly difficult. Look up a bank account or two, add a brokerage account if we are fortunate enough to have one, and we go from there.For our state government, apparently it’s not so easy. Not only do the state accountants need to deal with general funds and the money there, but we have hundreds of special funds — little pockets of money...

November 15, 2020
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