John Sexton
John Sexton
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Sweden launches inquiry into handling of pandemic as death rate becomes highest in the world

Sweden launches inquiry into handling of pandemic as death rate becomes highest in the world

We’ve been arguing about the coronavirus response in Sweden for months now and I’m sure we’ll still be arguing about it months from now. Meanwhile Sweden itself has launched an investigation into the handing of the crisis after criticism from parties on both .Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven announced on Monday that the country will launch an inquiry into its handling of the pandemic before the summer.The decision comes amid rising criticisms from opposition parties on both Sweden’s right and left.Sweden’s two biggest opposition parties – the conservative Moderate Party and the...

June 1, 2020
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A multinational tech company installed software to pay taxes in China, then discovered malware inside

A multinational tech company installed software to pay taxes in China, then discovered malware inside

This report from NBC News never names the multinational corporation involved but it is not a Chinese company. However because it does do business in China, it was required to pay local taxes. A Chinese bank asked the company to install a piece of software to facilitate paying those taxes, but within hours the company’s entire system had been compromised with .The tax software was legitimate, but embedded inside it was a nasty surprise, according to a new report by a private security firm: A sophisticated piece of malware that gave attackers complete access to the company’s network…The...

June 26, 2020
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CHOP shooting victim claims Proud Boys or KKK responsible

CHOP shooting victim claims Proud Boys or KKK responsible

What is going on here? Early Saturday morning two people were shot, allegedly inside the CHOP zone. One of the people shot was a 19-year-old man who died from his injuries. The other person was a man in his 30s who was taken to the hospital by CHOP medics. That second victim has now come forward and spoken to KIRO 7 news. His name is DeJuan Young and he claims he was shot one block outside CHOP by either Proud Boys .He heard the first shooting and decided to leave. He reached 11th and Pike when a group of men intercepted him and shot him.“So basically I was shot by, I’m not sure if they’re...

June 25, 2020
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Surgisphere, the company behind the retracted hydroxychloroquine study, is no more

Surgisphere, the company behind the retracted hydroxychloroquine study, is no more

Remember Surgisphere? That was the name of the company that allegedly gathered data from and subsequently published a research paper claiming people treated with hydroxychloroquine were more likely to die than those who were not. That paper made international news at the time, but dozens of doctors questioned the credibility of its data. The paper was eventually retracted and, as of today, it appears Surgisphere is no more:of the sad demise of the second most innovative company in medical research.— Prof Darrel Francis ☺ Mk CardioFellows Great Again (@ProfDFrancis)Source:— Prof Darrel...

June 15, 2020
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In Venezuela, 'enforced disappearance' is used by the regime to keep people in line

In Venezuela, 'enforced disappearance' is used by the regime to keep people in line

Earlier this week I wrote about the continued deterioration of democracy in Venezuela. Specifically, the Maduro loyalists on Venezuela’s Supreme Court announced they were handing control of to individuals who had previously left the parties and joined the Maduro regime. Today a human rights group has published a report documenting how “politicallly-motivated detentions” have become a major tool of repression in Venezuela. The numbers :From January 1, 2014, to August 31, 2019, Foro Penal recorded 15,160 politically-motivated detentions in Venezuela. In this regard, it is important to mention...

June 19, 2020
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NY Times op-ed: White people should stop talking to relatives until they support BLM

NY Times op-ed: White people should stop talking to relatives until they support BLM

The NY Times published an op-ed Friday titled “I Don’t Need ‘Love’ Texts From My White Friends.” Here’s how it opens: “My book is coming out in a few months, and I don’t know if I’m going to be alive to see it, because I’m a black man.”That combination of humble-bragging and self-pity gets repeated for a dozen or more paragraphs with the author repeatedly saying he’s tired of white friends texting to express their support which he sees as just a way to express guilt. He doesn’t want them to say they care about him as a person, he wants them to do something practical for the cause. And one...

June 6, 2020
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Satellite data suggest coronavirus was spreading in Wuhan months earlier than believed

Satellite data suggest coronavirus was spreading in Wuhan months earlier than believed

China first told the World Health Organization it was treating multiple cases of a mysterious pneumonia on December 31, 2019. At the time it was warning doctors in local hospitals not to spread “rumors” about the disease. In March, the South China Morning Post that the first known case of the disease may have been contracted in Wuhan around mid-November, pushing the timeline back a few more weeks. However, using satellite photos, Dr. John Brownstein and a team of researchers says it appears the virus may have been spreading widely in Wuhan in October :Using techniques similar to those...

June 8, 2020
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A group of woke celebrities are promoting a clip of Louis Farrakhan

A group of woke celebrities are promoting a clip of Louis Farrakhan

Comedian Chelsea Handler posted a clip of Louis Farrakhan yesterday with the comment, “I learned a lot from watching this powerful video.”The 9-minute clip showed Farrakhan answering questions from a mostly white audience on “The Phil Donahue Show.” As you can see, Handler’s post has been liked more than 90,000 times. She was challenged by many people leaving comments, one of whom asked if she would share a clip of Hitler too if he said .One replied, “So, based on this logic, if you find a video of Hitler saying something positive and powerful, will you feel equally compelled to share it?...

June 16, 2020
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Hong Kong lawmaker: China's national security law 'a knockout blow to the democracy movement'

Hong Kong lawmaker: China's national security law 'a knockout blow to the democracy movement'

The Chinese Communist Party has picked this moment to effectively end it’s commitment to “one country, two systems” the agreement it made with Britain during the 1997 handover of Hong Kong. Since China’s previous attempts to crackdown on civil liberties in Hong Kong have been blocked by large street protests, Xi Jinping has decided to take a new approach. Rather than trying to pass anything through Hong Kong’s legislature, he is simply having his National People’s Congress pass the new security law in Beijing. That leaves no opportunity for protesters to influence what is happening. Today,...

May 22, 2020
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Chinese state media touts growing international support for 'alternative model' of human rights

Chinese state media touts growing international support for 'alternative model' of human rights

Chinese state-run media published several articles yesterday touting strong international support for its new national security law for Hong Kong. The tallies come from competing statements at the UN Human Rights Council. One group of 53 countries led by Cuba signed a statement supporting China’s new law. A smaller group led by the UK signed a contradictory statement criticizing the law. As far as China’s delusional state media is concerned that was :The landslide victory was seen by experts as showing that China’s achievements in human rights have won more supporters and become known by...

July 2, 2020
