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Instacart Customers’ Data Is Being Sold Online

Instacart Customers’ Data Is Being Sold Online

Names, credit card data, addresses, and information on transactions as recent as yesterday are being sold online.The personal information of what could be hundreds of thousands of Instacart customers is being sold on the dark web. This data includes names, the last four digits of credit card numbers, and order histories, and appears to have affected customers who used the grocery delivery service as recently as yesterday.As of Wednesday, sellers in two dark web stores were offering information from what appeared to be 278,531 accounts, although some of those may be duplicates or not...

July 23, 2020
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Recorded Future Report Exposes Online Dangers LGBTQ People Face From Data Tracking And State Surveillance

Recorded Future Report Exposes Online Dangers LGBTQ People Face From Data Tracking And State Surveillance

Apps that harvest data, dark web marketplaces, and state surveillance are just some of the dangers LGBTQ people have to think about online.A new report outlines the minefield of online threats LGBTQ people have to navigate online, from overt state surveillance to tracking via facial recognition to dating app information that gets shared with data brokers and advertisers.Recorded Future, a cybersecurity company, at what queer communities outside North America have to grapple with. The idea, senior director Maggie McDaniel said, was to better understand where deeper security research is...

July 14, 2020
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The Government Has Cracked Down On Companies Selling Tea, Silver, And Essential Oils As “Scam” Coronavirus Cures

The Government Has Cracked Down On Companies Selling Tea, Silver, And Essential Oils As “Scam” Coronavirus Cures

As fears of the virus mount, so too do claims of snake oil treatments.A cottage industry of fake and ineffective COVID-19 treatments and cures has spread in recent weeks, including , , and even . None of these treatments prevent or cure the disease, . announced Monday that seven companies selling “scam” coronavirus treatments had been threatened with seizure and legal action."The FTC says the companies have no evidence to back up their claims — as required by law,” the announcement said. “The FDA says there are no approved vaccines, drugs or investigational products currently available to...

March 10, 2020
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Hackers Send Fake HIV Results, Coronavirus Emails To Infect Computers

Hackers Send Fake HIV Results, Coronavirus Emails To Infect Computers

“Coronavirus has been exhausting for us,” said one cybersecurity researcher.are sending emails with fake results and information that infect computers with , according to research from cybersecurity research firm Proofpoint.The fake HIV emails are designed to look like they come from Vanderbilt University, possibly to exploit the credibility of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center. The emails, which include an attached spreadsheet labeled “test results,” have been sent to insurance, health care, and pharmaceutical companies. When downloaded, a user is prompted to install macros, which...

March 10, 2020
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Coronavirus Research Grants Are Being Used To Smear Dr. Fauci

Coronavirus Research Grants Are Being Used To Smear Dr. Fauci

The National Institutes of Health has given millions of dollars to scientists studying coronaviruses. That funding didn't cause the COVID-19 pandemic.BuzzFeed News has reporters across five continents bringing you trustworthy stories about the impact of the coronavirus. To help keep this news free, and sign up for our newsletter, .Right-wing media and conspiracy theorists have seized on a series of grants awarded over the course of six years to study coronaviruses to undermine Dr. Anthony Fauci, the immunologist who’s been at the helm of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious...

April 30, 2020
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Coronavirus Pseudoscientists And Conspiracy Theorists

Coronavirus Pseudoscientists And Conspiracy Theorists

A guide to the spin doctors and conspiracy theorists clogging up your social media feed.BuzzFeed News has reporters across five continents bringing you trustworthy stories about the impact of the coronavirus. To help keep this news free, and sign up for our newsletter, .Many of those who spread hoaxes and pseudoscience about the pandemic can be hard to distinguish from medical authorities recognized by their peers as legitimate.To help you cut through the misinformation, we're keeping a running list of the most prominent people who have pushed what scientists and professional fact-checkers...

May 21, 2020
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