Hannah Recht
Hannah Recht
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Hollowed-Out Public Health System Faces More Cuts Amid Virus

Hollowed-Out Public Health System Faces More Cuts Amid Virus

July 1, 2020This story also ran on .[UPDATED on Aug. 24]The U.S. public health system has been starved for decades and lacks the resources to confront the worst health crisis in a century.Marshaled against a virus that has sickened at least 2.6 million in the U.S., killed more than 126,000 people and cost tens of millions of jobs and $3 trillion in federal rescue money, state and local government health workers on the ground are sometimes paid so little that they qualify for public aid.They track the coronavirus on paper records shared via fax. Working seven-day weeks for months on end,...

July 1, 2020
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Un sistema de salud pública devastado enfrenta más recortes en medio del virus

Un sistema de salud pública devastado enfrenta más recortes en medio del virus

Noticias en español es una sección de Kaiser Health News que contiene traducciones de artículos de gran interés para la comunidad hispanohablante, y contenido original enfocado en la población hispana que vive en los Estados Unidos.Este artículo también fue publicado por . Teste contenido puede usarse de manera gratuita ().El sistema de salud pública de los Estados Unidos ha subsistido en la precariedad durante décadas y carece de los recursos necesarios para enfrentar la peor crisis de salud en un siglo.Mientras enfrentan juntos una pandemia que ha enfermado al menos a 2.3 millones de...

July 1, 2020
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The Other COVID Risks: How Race, Income, ZIP Code Influence Who Lives Or Dies

The Other COVID Risks: How Race, Income, ZIP Code Influence Who Lives Or Dies

April 22, 2020It started with a headache in late March. Then came the body aches.At first, Shalondra Rollins’ doctor thought it was the flu. By April 7, three days after she was finally diagnosed with COVID-19, the 38-year-old teaching assistant told her mom she was feeling winded. Within an hour, she was in an ambulance, conscious but struggling to breathe, bound for a hospital in Jackson, Mississippi.An hour later, she was dead.“I never in a million years thought I would get a call saying she was gone,” said her mother, Cassandra Rollins, 55. “I want the world to know she wasn’t just a...

April 22, 2020
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Expertos en salud pública temen que los fondos desaparezcan cuando termine la pandemia

Expertos en salud pública temen que los fondos desaparezcan cuando termine la pandemia

Noticias en español es una sección de Kaiser Health News que contiene traducciones de artículos de gran interés para la comunidad hispanohablante, y contenido original enfocado en la población hispana que vive en los Estados Unidos.Este contenido puede usarse de manera gratuita ().En respuesta a la pandemia de covid-19, el Congreso ha invertido decenas de miles de millones de dólares en los departamentos de salud pública estatales y locales, pagando por máscaras, rastreadores de contactos y campañas educativas para persuadir a las personas de que se vacunen.Forma parte del grupo de Facebook...

April 19, 2021
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Covid Vaccine Websites Violate Disability Laws, Create Inequity for the Blind

Covid Vaccine Websites Violate Disability Laws, Create Inequity for the Blind

This story also ran on . It can beMany covid vaccination registration and information websites at the federal, state and local levels violate disability rights laws, hindering the ability of blind people to sign up for a potentially lifesaving vaccine, a KHN investigation has found.Across the country, people who use special software to make the web accessible have been unable to sign up for the vaccines or obtain vital information about covid-19 because many government websites lack required accessibility features. At least 7.6 million people in the U.S. over age 16 have a ., a nonprofit...

February 25, 2021
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Black Americans Are Getting Vaccinated at Lower Rates Than White Americans

Black Americans Are Getting Vaccinated at Lower Rates Than White Americans

This story also ran on . It can beBlack Americans are receiving covid vaccinations at dramatically lower rates than white Americans in the first weeks of the chaotic rollout, according to a new KHN analysis.About 3% of Americans have received at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine so far. But in 16 states that have released data by race, white residents are being vaccinated at significantly higher rates than Black residents, according to the analysis — in many cases two to three times higher.Subscribe to KHN's free Morning Briefing.In the most dramatic case, 1.2% of white Pennsylvanians...

January 17, 2021
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Pandemic Backlash Jeopardizes Public Health Powers, Leaders

Pandemic Backlash Jeopardizes Public Health Powers, Leaders

December 15, 2020[Update: This article was revised at 1:15 p.m. ET on Dec. 15, 2020, to reflect the resignation of Dr. Gianfranco Pezzino, the health officer in Shawnee County, Kansas.]Tisha Coleman has lived in close-knit Linn County, Kansas, for 42 years and never felt so alone.As the public health administrator, she’s struggled every day of to keep her rural county along the Missouri border safe. In this community with no hospital, she’s failed to persuade her neighbors to wear masks and take precautions against COVID-19, even as cases rise. In return, she’s been harassed, sued, vilified...

December 15, 2020
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Ataques a la salud pública generan éxodo de funcionarios en medio de la pandemia

Ataques a la salud pública generan éxodo de funcionarios en medio de la pandemia

December 15, 2020Tisha Coleman ha vivido en el muy unido condado de Linn, Kansas, por 42 años. Y nunca se ha sentido tan sola.Como administradora de salud pública, ha luchado cada día de la pandemia para mantener a salvo a su condado rural, ubicado a lo largo de la frontera con Missouri. A cambio, ha sido acosada, demandada, vilipendiada y le han gritado “cumple-órdenes”.Los meses de peleas por máscaras y cuarentenas ya la estaban desgastando. Luego contrajo COVID-19, probablemente de su esposo, quien se ha negado a exigir el uso de máscaras en la ferretería familiar. Su madre también lo...

December 15, 2020
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Lack of Antigen Test Reporting Leaves Country ‘Blind to the Pandemic’

Lack of Antigen Test Reporting Leaves Country ‘Blind to the Pandemic’

September 16, 2020More than 20 states either don’t release or have incomplete data on the rapid antigen tests now considered key to containing the coronavirus, which has sickened more than 6 million Americans. The lapses leave officials and the public in the dark about the true scope of the pandemic as untold numbers of cases go uncounted.The gap will only widen as tens of millions of antigen tests sweep the country. Federal officials are prioritizing the tests to quickly detect COVID-19’s spread over slower, but more accurate, PCR tests.Relying on patchy data on COVID testing carries...

September 16, 2020
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Politics Slows Flow of US Pandemic Relief Funds to Public Health Agencies

Politics Slows Flow of US Pandemic Relief Funds to Public Health Agencies

This story also ran on .As the coronavirus began to spread through Minneapolis this spring, Health Commissioner Gretchen Musicant tore up her budget to find funds to combat the crisis. Money for test kits. Money to administer tests. Money to hire contact tracers. Yet even more money for a service that helps tracers communicate with residents in dozens of languages.While Musicant diverted workers from violence prevention and other core programs to the COVID-19 response, state officials debated how to distribute $1.87 billion Minnesota received in federal aid.Jun 29A series examining how the...

August 17, 2020
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