Dylan Purcell
Dylan Purcell
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Pennsylvania nursing home data minimizes the coronavirus devastation in Philadelphia senior centers

Pennsylvania nursing home data minimizes the coronavirus devastation in Philadelphia senior centers

Highly anticipated state data about coronavirus outbreaks in nursing homes have proven to be highly unreliable and drastically diminish the virus’ impact devastation in senior centers, according to a comparison of the new records and a previous city database obtained exclusively by The Inquirer.If you accept the state data released this week about the coronavirus’ scourge of long-term-care facilities, no staff members at the Philadelphia Nursing Home in Fairmount have gotten the disease — and across the city’s 47 nursing homes, fewer than 20 staffers have tested positive.That would be...

May 21, 2020
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Even a pandemic can’t slow Philly’s gun violence

Even a pandemic can’t slow Philly’s gun violence

The Inquirer obtained more than 100 police reports that provide a rare and detailed glimpse into of a month of city shootings. They show that even as overall violent crime has fallen by nearly 20% during the coronavirus pandemic, gun violence is thriving.When Philadelphia’s stay-at-home order came down on March 23, almost every facet of city life ground to a halt.Except Philadelphia’s: gun violence.Since, shuttered nonessential businesses, and told residents to stay home to slow the spread of the coronavirus, at least 135 people have been shot — an average of more than four per day — often...

April 24, 2020
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‘Tinder boxes’: Secret data reveal how COVID-19 swept through Philadelphia nursing homes

‘Tinder boxes’: Secret data reveal how COVID-19 swept through Philadelphia nursing homes

This first-ever picture of the havoc, how it spread, where, and which homes were hit first and hardest is based on data Philadelphia inadvertently made available online that charted test results of residents at those homes from the start of the pandemic through April 23.The first confirmation that the coronavirus had infiltrated a Philadelphia nursing home came on March 20, an unseasonably warm Friday that hit 79 degrees. A test of a resident at the Renaissance Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center for COVID-19 came back positive.In the weeks since, the coronavirus has torn through almost...

May 3, 2020
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How does Philadelphia’s coronavirus outbreak compare with other big cities?

How does Philadelphia’s coronavirus outbreak compare with other big cities?

"If we had delayed [the shutdown] another week, things would have been a lot worse," the city's health commissioner says.Philadelphia has one of the largest outbreaks of coronavirus in the country, to judge by the number of infections that have been confirmed. But the city’s rate of infection — illnesses divided by people — compared with hard-hit cities like New York, Detroit, and New Orleans, has been significantly lower, .Just over 40 out of every 10,000 Philadelphians have tested positive for coronavirus, an infection rate that ranks 68th out of more than 3,000 U.S. counties included in...

April 14, 2020
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Philly gun arrests are on a record pace, but convictions drop under DA Krasner

Philly gun arrests are on a record pace, but convictions drop under DA Krasner

Police are on pace to make 3,000 arrests this year for carrying a gun illegally, a record, but the people charged are less likely to be convicted.One in an occasional series, about Philadelphia’s unchecked gun violence.As Philadelphia’s gun violence has surged to unprecedented heights, two troubling trends have quietly kept building:Thousands more people are being arrested for carrying guns illegally. But their chances of being convicted in court have fallen by nearly a quarter.That conundrum now drives a debate between the Philadelphia Police Department and the District Attorney’s Office...

March 30, 2021
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In rural Pa., largely untouched by COVID-19 in the spring, deaths are now surging: ‘It’s just scary’

In rural Pa., largely untouched by COVID-19 in the spring, deaths are now surging: ‘It’s just scary’

As coronavirus cases ravaged urban hubs like Philadelphia in the spring, rural Pennsylvania was left largely unaffected. Now, they’re seeing levels higher than the city at its peak.LEWISTOWN, Pa. — The phone rang over the gurgle of embalming fluid as Geoff Burke wearily eyed the corpse of the woman on the gurney. Another victim of the coronavirus, she’d have to wait. On the phone, a nurse delivered the news: body pickup needed.Passing the cremation oven, still hot from the morning’s use, Burke changed from his plastic embalming apron to a necktie and collared shirt as Sunday football...

December 23, 2020
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