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Seven months later, what we know about Covid-19 — and the pressing questions that remain

Seven months later, what we know about Covid-19 — and the pressing questions that remain

he “before times” seem like a decade ago, don’t they? Those carefree days when hugging friends and shaking hands wasn’t verboten, when we didn’t have to reach for a mask before leaving our homes, or forage for supplies of hand sanitizer. Oh, for the days when social distancing wasn’t part of our vernacular.In reality, though, it’s only been about seven months since the world learned a new and dangerous coronavirus was in our midst. In the time since Chinese scientists confirmed the rapidly spreading disease in Wuhan was caused by a new coronavirus and posted its genetic sequence on line, an...

August 17, 2020
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‘A huge experiment’: How the world made so much progress on a Covid-19 vaccine so fast

‘A huge experiment’: How the world made so much progress on a Covid-19 vaccine so fast

ever before have prospective vaccines for a pathogen entered final-stage clinical trials as rapidly as candidates for Covid-19.Just six months ago, when the death toll from the coronavirus and neither it nor the disease it caused , a team of Chinese scientists uploaded its genetic sequence to a . That kicked off the record-breaking rush to develop vaccines — the salve that experts say could ultimately quell the pandemic.The colossal impact of the coronavirus is motivating the speed, opening a spigot of funding and inspiring research teams around the world to join the hunt. But the...

July 30, 2020
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'We don’t actually have that answer yet': WHO clarifies comments on asymptomatic spread of Covid-19

'We don’t actually have that answer yet': WHO clarifies comments on asymptomatic spread of Covid-19

top World Health Organization official clarified on Tuesday that scientists have not determined yet how frequently people with asymptomatic cases of Covid-19 pass the disease on to others, a day after suggesting that such spread is “very rare.”The clarification comes after the WHO’s original comments incited strong pushback from outside public health experts, who suggested the agency had erred, or at least miscommunicated, when it said people who didn’t show symptoms were unlikely to spread the virus.Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO’s technical lead on the Covid-19 pandemic, made it very clear...

June 9, 2020
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Utah went all-in on an unproven Covid-19 treatment, then scrambled to course-correct

Utah went all-in on an unproven Covid-19 treatment, then scrambled to course-correct

ven before President Trump started plugging chloroquine and as Covid-19 treatments, enthusiasm for the old malaria drugs was swelling in the state of Utah.The “stunning medications” led to “responses that are equivalent to Lazarus” — the Biblical figure brought back to life by Jesus — one physician said at an event at the state Capitol. The deputy director of the state health department, even as he acknowledged there was not “FDA-type of evidence” showing the drugs worked, said he was willing to put stock in case reports and “test tube evidence.”Propelled by that hype, as well as mounting...

May 18, 2020
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Trump: U.S. will terminate relationship with the World Health Organization in wake of Covid-19 pandemic

Trump: U.S. will terminate relationship with the World Health Organization in wake of Covid-19 pandemic

resident Trump said Friday the U.S. would halt its funding of the World Health Organization and pull out of the agency, accusing it of protecting China as the coronavirus pandemic took off. The move has alarmed health experts, who say the decision will undermine efforts to improve the health of people around the world.In an address in the Rose Garden, Trump said the WHO had not made reforms that he said would have helped the global health agency stop the coronavirus from spreading around the world.“We will be today terminating our relationship with the World Health Organization and...

May 29, 2020
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