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Lev Parnas: John Solomon Worked Between Him and Firtash

Lev Parnas: John Solomon Worked Between Him and Firtash

Lev Parnas bombshell interview with Rachel Maddow threw off a number of stunning headlines, so much so that portions of the interview may have been initially overlooked. Take for example the rather stunning allegation that Fox News contributor, and former The Hill executive, John Solomon served as a primary liaison between himself and indicted Ukranian oligarch Dimitry Firtash.Solomon has played a critical role in the defensive narrative put forth by pro-Trump media surrogates that have effected a “best defense is a good offense” strategy to support the embattled presidency of President...

January 16, 2020
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Brian Kilmeade Demands Viewers to 'Go to Work' and 'Live With' Covid ... While Co-Hosting Fox & Friends Remotely

Brian Kilmeade Demands Viewers to 'Go to Work' and 'Live With' Covid ... While Co-Hosting Fox & Friends Remotely

Brian Kilmeade passionately implored viewers of Fox & Friends to return to the pre-pandemic routines of their daily lives Tuesday morning.The insistence came at the end of a bit of a rant on how Teacher Unions are currently the in keeping schools open for America’s children, which he ended by imploring viewers to begin to live with the following “mantra.”“It’s called live with it,” he said. “Go to work. Live with it. Get on a train, get on a bus, get on a plane, how do we live with it? We can no longer hide from it.”Kilmeade gave this direction from a remote studio at the Fox News...

January 4, 2022
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Tucker Carlson May Be a Witness to Matt Gaetz Affair; Lawyer

Tucker Carlson May Be a Witness to Matt Gaetz Affair; Lawyer

Florida State Attorney for Palm Beach County Dave Aronberg appeared on Morning Joe Wednesday morning and warned that Fox News host Tucker Carlson might have become a witness in the sordid FBI investigation into Rep. Matt Gaetzs after aGiven the subject matter—and the long-established political inclinations of all involved—one might expect a level of schadenfreude from the various remote sets of Morning Joe. Still, all in all, the discussion, which also featured the New York Times reporter , Michael Schmidt, was remarkably dispassionate and fact-based.Quick context...

March 31, 2021
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NPR Cites ‘Red Flags’ For Why They Haven’t Covered Hunter Biden Laptop Story: ‘Assertions Don’t Amount to Much’

NPR Cites ‘Red Flags’ For Why They Haven’t Covered Hunter Biden Laptop Story: ‘Assertions Don’t Amount to Much’

Saul Loeb/AFPNPR explained with laudable transparency the reasons why it has not reported on the controversial Hunter Biden laptop story that broke last week.NPR Public Editor Kelly McBride : “why NPR has apparently not reported on the Joe Biden, Hunter Biden story in the last week or so that Joe did know about Hunter’s business connections in Europe that Joe had previously denied having knowledge?”McBride opens by citing the “many, many red flags in that New York Post investigation” that have been extensively detailed by and many as well, before detailing exactly why the veracity of the...

October 22, 2020
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Exclusive: Fox News News Division Passed on Hunter Biden Laptop Story Over Credibility Concerns

Exclusive: Fox News News Division Passed on Hunter Biden Laptop Story Over Credibility Concerns

Chip Somodevilla/Getty ImagesMediaite has learned that Fox News was first approached by Rudy Giuliani to report on a tranche of files alleged to have come from Hunter Biden’s unclaimed laptop left at a Delaware computer repair shop, but that the news division chose not to run the story unless or until the sourcing and veracity of the emails could be properly vetted.With the general election just three weeks away, Giuliani ultimately brought the story to the New York Post, which shares the same owner, Rupert Murdoch. The tabloid has been exhaustively covering the contents of the laptop...

October 19, 2020
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Joe Scarborough Calls Josh Hawley the 'Stupidest Person to Walk Through the Halls of Congress' or 'Most Disingenuous'

Joe Scarborough Calls Josh Hawley the 'Stupidest Person to Walk Through the Halls of Congress' or 'Most Disingenuous'

Joe Scarborough did not refrain from asking the nation the tough questions Monday morning following a slew of conservative-media based stories questioning the political biases of social media companies. The Morning Joe host asked if Senator Josh Hawley is “the stupidest person to walk through the halls of congress or the most disingenuous.”At issue is Senator Hawley’s recent suggestion that American citizens should be able to sue Facebook and Twitter for blocking the sharing of a curiously sourced New York Post report about emails revealed from an unclaimed laptop that is alleged...

October 19, 2020
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