Clarence Williams
Clarence Williams
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Will Americans wear masks to prevent coronavirus spread? Politics, history, race and crime factor into tough decision

Will Americans wear masks to prevent coronavirus spread? Politics, history, race and crime factor into tough decision

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareKevin Krannawitter won’t wear a mask because he just doesn’t think it’s necessary, whatever the scientists say. Marilyn Singleton won’t wear one either — and she’s a physician — because she says it’s un-American for the government to force people to cover their faces. You won’t see Ricardo Thornton in a mask because it reminds him of a time when he wasn’t free to make his own decisions about his life.Even as governors, mayors andor require Americans to wear masks in stores, transit systems and other public spaces to...

April 18, 2020
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Pro-Trump rally descends into chaos as Proud Boys roam D.C. looking to fight

Pro-Trump rally descends into chaos as Proud Boys roam D.C. looking to fight

This article was published more than 2 years agoGift ShareNearly three dozen people were arrested during a night of unrest in downtown Washington that began Saturday with rallies supporting President Trump and descended into chaos and violence as a group with ties to white nationalism roamed the streets looking to fight.One of those arrested was 29-year-old Phillip Johnson of the District, who was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon in connection with at least one of four stabbings that occurred.For most of the day, police largely kept opposing factions separated, at...

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After thousands of Trump supporters rally in D.C., violence erupts when night falls

After thousands of Trump supporters rally in D.C., violence erupts when night falls

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift SharePresident Trump’s supporters had celebrated for hours on Saturday, waving their MAGA flags and blaring “God Bless the U.S.A.” as they gathered in Washington to falsely claim that the election had been stolen from the man they adore. The crowd had even reveled in a personal visit from Trump, who passed by in his motorcade, smiling and waving.But that was before the people who oppose their hero showed up and the mood shifted, growing angrier as 300 or so counterprotesters delivered a message the president’s most ardent...

November 14, 2020
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Protesters demonstrate outside D.C. police station for second night after Karon Hylton’s death

Protesters demonstrate outside D.C. police station for second night after Karon Hylton’s death

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift Share, attacking police vehicles and confronting officers outside a district station for a second night Wednesday as they sought information about the death of Karon Hylton. Tensions grew along with the size of the protest, and police used pepper spray and flashbang devices to push demonstrators away from the station.By about 9:30 p.m., police had established a perimeter about a block from the Fourth District station after a coordinated push to clear the area near the station, and many of the protesters appeared to...

October 29, 2020
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Trump pardons former Prince George’s officer whose conviction was ‘watershed’ moment for police reform in county

Trump pardons former Prince George’s officer whose conviction was ‘watershed’ moment for police reform in county

This article was published more than 2 years agoGift SharePresident Trump granted a pardon this week to a former Prince George’s County canine police officer who 1995.A federal jury convicted Stephanie C. Mohr in 2001 on a felony charge after prosecutors said she set her dog to bite one of two men police stopped after they received a report of a possible burglary in Takoma Park, Md.The men, immigrants from Mexico and El Salvador, had climbed on top of a printing shop building to sleep for the night. They complied with police commands, and authorities learned they were not burglars,...

December 24, 2020
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