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Canada elections: Trudeau wins narrow victory to form minority government

Canada elections: Trudeau wins narrow victory to form minority government

This article is more than 2 years oldThis article is more than 2 years oldLiberals succeed despite lingering criticism over handling of corruption inquiry and blackface scandalFirst published on Tue 22 Oct 2019 00.46 EDT has won a second term as Canada’s prime minister after the country’s federal election, but his narrow victory means he will lead a minority government that will be forced to depend on other parties to govern.With results still trickling in on Tuesday morning, the Liberals had 156 seats, 14 short of the 170 needed for a majority in the 338-seat House of Commons.“We seek...

October 22, 2019
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Canadian conservation officer fired for refusing to kill bear cubs wins legal battle

Canadian conservation officer fired for refusing to kill bear cubs wins legal battle

This article is more than 2 years oldThis article is more than 2 years oldCasavant shot mother black bear under province policy but was suspended and eventually fired for not killing cubsLast modified on Fri 29 Oct 2021 07.38 EDTA conservation officer in who was fired for refusing to kill two black bear cubs has won a protracted legal battle over his termination.“I feel like the black clouds that have hung over my family for years are finally starting to part,” Bryce Casavant told the Guardian. “But the moment is bittersweet – my firing should have never happened in the first...

June 11, 2020
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Justin Trudeau snubs Nafta meeting with Trump in Washington

Justin Trudeau snubs Nafta meeting with Trump in Washington

This article is more than 2 years oldThis article is more than 2 years oldLast modified on Tue 7 Jul 2020 03.27 EDTThe Canadian prime minister, , has declined an invitation to visit the White House this week to celebrate a new North American free trade deal, amid worsening coronavirus figures in the US and lingering tensions with Donald Trump.Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is due to meet Trump in Washington on Wednesday, and had urged Trudeau to attend the meeting.But in a statement on Monday, Trudeau’s office said: “We wish the United States and Mexico well at Wednesday’s...

July 6, 2020
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Fears rise of ‘murder hornet' spreading in western Canada after sighting

Fears rise of ‘murder hornet' spreading in western Canada after sighting

This article is more than 2 years oldThis article is more than 2 years oldLatest discovery suggests the species has reached far deeper into British Columbia than previously thoughtLast modified on Fri 29 Oct 2021 07.38 EDTWhen officials in western received the squashed remains of a hornet in late May they immediately knew trouble was in their hands. With its hulking orange and black body, the insect sent in by a concerned resident was unmistakably an Asian giant hornet – an aggressive predator increasingly known as the “murder” hornet.Fears have grown that the hornet – given the...

May 28, 2020
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Canada doubles weapons sales to Saudi Arabia despite moratorium

Canada doubles weapons sales to Saudi Arabia despite moratorium

This article is more than 2 years oldThis article is more than 2 years oldLast modified on Thu 11 Jun 2020 08.04 EDTCanada sold a record amount of military hardware to in 2019, despite sharply criticizing its poor human rights record and placing a moratorium on any new exports to the kingdom. Newly released figures show Canada sold nearly C$3bn (US$2.2bn) worth of military equipment to Saudi Arabia in 2019 – more than double the total of the previous year, . The bulk of the exports were light armoured vehicles, part of a deal with the Saudis worth C$14.8bn.The record figures come...

June 9, 2020
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Canada police investigate vandalism of monument to Nazi troops as hate crime

Canada police investigate vandalism of monument to Nazi troops as hate crime

This article is more than 2 years oldThis article is more than 2 years oldFirst published on Fri 17 Jul 2020 15.26 EDTGraffiti spray-painted on a monument to Nazi soldiers in a small Canadian city is being investigated by police as a hate crime – a move that has prompted disbelief among human rights advocates.Around 21 June, the words “Nazi war monument” were spray-painted on to a cenotaph commemorating soldiers in the 14th SS Division in an Ontario cemetery, reported.The cenotaph is located in Oakville’s St Volodymyr Ukrainian cemetery, roughly 40km (25 miles) from Toronto.Regional police...

July 17, 2020
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Canada police arrest 20 and bring hundreds of charges in violent tow truck turf wars

Canada police arrest 20 and bring hundreds of charges in violent tow truck turf wars

This article is more than 2 years oldThis article is more than 2 years oldTow truck industry in greater Toronto area has recently become a hotbed for organized crime looking to profit from lax regulationLast modified on Tue 26 May 2020 15.35 EDTPolice in Canada have arrested 20 people and brought hundreds of charges – including first-degree murder – in their latest attempt to disrupt between rival tow-truck operators.York regional police, which oversees a region north of Toronto, announced the arrests on Tuesday as part of an investigation dubbed Project Platinum.“We allege that the...

May 26, 2020
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'It's like night and day': Trudeau's and Trump's Covid-19 responses fuel wildly different outcomes

'It's like night and day': Trudeau's and Trump's Covid-19 responses fuel wildly different outcomes

The US president stokes division as the virus rages, while the prime minister of Canada – where the outbreak appears to be stabilizing – has fostered a shared sense of dutyLast modified on Thu 9 Jul 2020 21.14 EDTThree days earlier, chose a more low-key location to celebrate Canada’s own national holiday. The prime minister and his family were photographed harvesting vegetables at an Ottawa food bank farm.Unlike Trump and most of his supporters, they all wore face-masks as they sorted through bundles of broccoli.The appearances by the two image-conscious leaders were emblematic of two...

July 9, 2020
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Trudeau announces Canada is banning assault-style weapons

Trudeau announces Canada is banning assault-style weapons

This article is more than 2 years oldThis article is more than 2 years oldMove comes after murder of 22 people in worst mass shooting in Canada’s historyLast modified on Fri 1 May 2020 14.39 EDTCanada has banned assault-style weapons following the murder of 22 people in the worst mass shooting in the country’s history, announced on Friday.“These weapons were designed for one purpose and one purpose only: to kill the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time. There is no use and no place for such weapons in ,” said the prime minister. “Effective immediately, it is no longer...

May 1, 2020
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Armed man roamed Justin Trudeau's grounds for 13 minutes after ramming gates

Armed man roamed Justin Trudeau's grounds for 13 minutes after ramming gates

This article is more than 2 years oldThis article is more than 2 years oldCanadian police confirm man had ‘several’ weapons and will face multiple charges Last modified on Fri 3 Jul 2020 14.31 EDTCanadian police say the armed man who through the gates of the prime minister’s residence was loose for 13 minutes before authorities finally spotted him.Media reports have identified the intruder as Corey Hurren, a reservist in the Canadian Rangers, a branch of the military that typically operates in remote and coastal regions.Hurren, who police have not yet formally identified, would be charged...

July 3, 2020
