Arelis Hernández
Arelis Hernández
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Police were a constant presence in George Floyd’s life, an experience shared by other Black men

Police were a constant presence in George Floyd’s life, an experience shared by other Black men

HOUSTON — From the day George Floyd moved to Texas as a child to the day he was killed in Minneapolis, the police were omnipresent in his life.They were there when Floyd and his siblings played basketball at the , driving their patrol cars through the makeshift courts. They were there when he walked home from school, interrogating him about the contents of his backpack. They were there when he went on late-night snack runs to the store, stopping his car and throwing him to the ground. They were there, surrounding his mother’s home, as his family prepared for their grandfather’s funeral.They...

October 26, 2020
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Biden pledged to stop building the wall. But he just won the right to seize a Texas family’s land for it.

Biden pledged to stop building the wall. But he just won the right to seize a Texas family’s land for it.

This article was published more than 1 year agoCommentGift ShareFor years, the Cavazos family has battled the federal government for their land in South Texas, tucked along the winding Rio Grande and passed down since before that river became an international boundary.They fought the Bush and Obama administrations to preserve the property from border fencing. When Trump pushed to erect “a big, beautiful wall,” the family delayed court proceedings to wait out his plans.But just when they thought they’d won a reprieve, it was President Biden — not Trump — who would end up defeating the...

April 15, 2021
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Migrants are not overrunning U.S. border towns, despite the political rhetoric

Migrants are not overrunning U.S. border towns, despite the political rhetoric

This article was published more than 1 year agoGift ShareSAN ANTONIO — The way many Republicans describe it, President Biden has thrown open the border between Mexico and the United States so that anyone who wants to come into the country can do so, illegally or legally.Former president Donald Trump accused Biden of “recklessly eliminating our border, security measures, controls, all of the things.” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) says Biden has rushed to implement “open border policies.” Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) says the new president “sent a message around South and Central America that...

March 15, 2021
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‘Where is Greg Abbott?’ Anger grows at Texas governor in deadly storm’s wake

‘Where is Greg Abbott?’ Anger grows at Texas governor in deadly storm’s wake

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareIt was clear by Tuesday afternoon that Texas was in a full-blown crisis — and Gov. Greg Abbott (R) had largely been out of sight.More than 4 million households did not have power amid dangerously low temperatures, and an increasing number did not have heat or running water. Some families were burning furniture to stay warm, grocery stores were emptying, and people were dying. In the freezing darkness, many desperate Texans felt they were left to fend for themselves.Abbott emerged that evening for a series of television...

February 21, 2021
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A mass-casualty event every day

A mass-casualty event every day

It’s the first day back at work for Scott E. Lynn, the Montour County coroner. He’s been sick with covid-19. He was out for a month and lost 25 pounds. As he arrives at his office in a remote corner of Geisinger Medical Center, he still feels weak. Lynn doesn’t know how he contracted the coronavirus. Deceased people do not spread the virus under normal circumstances. And Lynn mostly handles corpses enclosed in two layers of body bags.“I can only assume it was somewhere in the process of my death investigations,” he says. He wears a mask at work, but he still has to go into homes, motel...

February 18, 2021
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In one of its last acts, Trump administration tried to deport man to Haiti who has never been there

In one of its last acts, Trump administration tried to deport man to Haiti who has never been there

This article was published more than 2 years agoGift ShareFor the second time in his stateless life, Paul Pierrilus faced the possibility this week of being deported to a country he has never known, never lived in and that has never recognized him.The 40-year-old New York man was minutes away from boarding one of the last deportation flights of the Trump administration before a relentless international effort by his family, attorney and a fortuitous connection to a freshman U.S. congressman helped him evade removal.Immigration attorneys and advocates say chartered deportation flights...

January 20, 2021
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