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Pelosi Endorses Democratic Socialist Tlaib in Democratic Primary

Pelosi Endorses Democratic Socialist Tlaib in Democratic Primary

ADVERTISEMENTThe House speaker said last year that Tlaib and rest of 'The Squad' 'didn't have any following'SHAREHouse Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) endorsed Michigan congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D.) on Wednesday in her Democratic primary contest, in a change of course from her past criticisms of Tlaib and other members of "The Squad.""Rep. Tlaib never stops fighting for her district, which she is proud to represent," Pelosi said. "And I am proud to endorse her for re-election."Tlaib and the three other far-left House Democrats known as "The Squad" have had a contentious relationship...

July 29, 2020
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Virginia School District Develops New 'Anti-Racist' Curriculum Shaped by Southern Poverty Law Center - Washington Free Beacon

Virginia School District Develops New 'Anti-Racist' Curriculum Shaped by Southern Poverty Law Center - Washington Free Beacon

ADVERTISEMENTSHARETeachers in Virginia's largest school district have developed a new "anti-racist" and "culturally responsible" curriculum that will be available to students as early as this fall.Social studies teachers from Fairfax County collaborated with other Virginia public school teachers to revamp their history curriculum, using a framework from Teaching Tolerance, the educational arm of the liberal nonprofit Southern Poverty Law Center. The new curriculum encourages students to "examine materials, events, and institutions critically attending to power, position, and bias" and will...

July 7, 2020
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Federally Funded Nuclear Weapons Lab Made White Male Employees Participate in Racial Reeducation Training - Washington Free Beacon

Federally Funded Nuclear Weapons Lab Made White Male Employees Participate in Racial Reeducation Training - Washington Free Beacon

ADVERTISEMENTSHARESandia National Laboratories, a government-contracted nuclear weapons laboratory, required its white male employees to participate in a racial reeducation seminar, leaked reveal.At the three-day training session, called, "White Men’s Caucus on Eliminating Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia in Organizations," participants were encouraged to examine their privilege as white, heterosexual men. Christopher Rufo, a visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation and contributing editor at City Journal, leaked documents from the seminar, which took place in September 2019, in a tweet on...

August 12, 2020
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Portland Film Center Cancels 'Kindergarten Cop' Screening Over Positive Portrayal of Police - Washington Free Beacon

Portland Film Center Cancels 'Kindergarten Cop' Screening Over Positive Portrayal of Police - Washington Free Beacon

ADVERTISEMENTLocal author compared Schwarzenegger film to 'The Birth of a Nation'SHAREA film center in Portland canceled its screening of Kindergarten Cop after a local author complained about the movie’s portrayal of police in schools and compared it to The Birth of a Nation, a 1915 film that romanticized the Ku Klux Klan.Northwest Film Center, an organization supporting local filmmakers, had planned to show Kindergarten Cop as the first movie in its summertime drive-in movie series until author Lois Leveen said a movie showing cops in schools wasn’t "entertaining.""There’s nothing...

August 4, 2020
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Chicago Mayor Says Sending Feds to High-Crime Cities is Sexist - Washington Free Beacon

Chicago Mayor Says Sending Feds to High-Crime Cities is Sexist - Washington Free Beacon

ADVERTISEMENTSHAREChicago mayor Lori Lightfoot (D.) suggested at a press conference on Wednesday that President Donald Trump is deploying federal officers to cities because their mayors are Democratic women."The president has been on a campaign now for some time against Democratic mayors across the country," Lightfoot said. "Whether it's me, whether it’s Keisha Lance Bottoms in Atlanta, whether it’s Muriel Bowser in Washington, D.C., whether it’s Jenny Durkan in Seattle. You see a common theme here?"Trump announced Wednesday a surge of federal officers to Chicago to combat the high levels...

July 23, 2020
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Ex-Con Dem Congressman Charged With Ballot Stuffing, Bribery - Washington Free Beacon

Ex-Con Dem Congressman Charged With Ballot Stuffing, Bribery - Washington Free Beacon

ADVERTISEMENTSHAREFormer Democratic congressman Michael "Ozzie" Myers, who was caught accepting bribes in an FBI sting operation decades ago, was charged Thursday on a multitude of voting fraud-related charges.According to the charges, Myers, who worked as a political consultant in Philadelphia, bribed elections judge Domenick DeMuro to inflate voting results for candidates in Democratic primaries in 2014, 2015, and 2016. The former congressman was charged with stuffing the ballot box, bribing an elected official, falsifying records, voting multiple times in federal elections, and...

July 23, 2020
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Majority of Academics Support Discriminating Against Conservatives, Study Shows - Washington Free Beacon

Majority of Academics Support Discriminating Against Conservatives, Study Shows - Washington Free Beacon

ADVERTISEMENTSHAREOne in three conservative academics has been threatened with disciplinary action for expressing their beliefs, according to a new study that quantifies academia's liberal bias.Research from the Center for the Study of Partnership and Ideology released Monday shows that conservative professors and graduate students are "guaranteed" to face discrimination in academia. University of London politics professor Eric Kaufmann conducted the study, which he says is the first to focus on how academic authoritarianism threatens conservatives on campus.Kaufmann analyzed eight surveys...

March 2, 2021
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Tufts Student Government Attacks Jewish Member for Defending Israel - Washington Free Beacon

Tufts Student Government Attacks Jewish Member for Defending Israel - Washington Free Beacon

ADVERTISEMENTStudents for Justice in Palestine blames Israel for 'militarizing' campus policeSHAREPublished under:, ,Next Article

February 23, 2021
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Student Group Sues Yale for Discrimination, Revives Trump-Era Case - Washington Free Beacon

Student Group Sues Yale for Discrimination, Revives Trump-Era Case - Washington Free Beacon

ADVERTISEMENTBiden DOJ dropped investigation into discriminatory admissions processesSHAREPublished under:, ,Next Article

February 26, 2021
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