Alex Levac
Alex Levac
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Settlers Assault Palestinians on Their Own Land, as Israeli Soldiers Watch - Palestinians

Settlers Assault Palestinians on Their Own Land, as Israeli Soldiers Watch - Palestinians

Jun 26, 2020Jun 26, 2020Moussa and Issa Ktash open their mouths: Each of the brothers is missing three or four front teeth. Two months have passed since the brutal attack they endured at the hands of seven settlers, who were armed with clubs and chains, threatened them with a submachine gun, and beat them until they were bloody. The two are still badly shaken. Their children, who were with them on the land they own during the assault, are also traumatized. Now, whenever Israel Defense Forces troops enter the Jalazun refugee camp, north of Ramallah, where they live, 9-year-old Salah,...

June 26, 2020
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Seeking to Arrest a Mentally Disabled Palestinian, Israeli Troops Kill a Teenage Bystander - Israel News

Seeking to Arrest a Mentally Disabled Palestinian, Israeli Troops Kill a Teenage Bystander - Israel News

Jun 12, 2020Jun 12, 2020 Jun 12, 2020Jun 12, 2020Zeid Qaysiyah dreamed of becoming a famous singer. To help himself realize his dream he bought a simple amplification system with money his mother loaned him, promising to pay her back when he became a star. He performed for free at almost every family event in Al-Fawar, the refugee camp south of Hebron where he lived, and in the surrounding towns.Sometimes the 17 year-old performed on the street, in schools and in private homes; indeed, many of the camp’s residents have video clips of him singing, accompanied by an instrumental backing...

June 12, 2020
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A Settler Vigilante Noticed a 'Suspicious' Palestinian – and Shot Him Dead - Israel News

A Settler Vigilante Noticed a 'Suspicious' Palestinian – and Shot Him Dead - Israel News

Jan 15, 2021Jan 15, 2021 Jan 15, 2021Jan 15, 2021Al-Quds Sweets is sealed shut. Pasted on the store’s iron door is a small memorial poster for its proprietor, Ahad Kokas, who opened the establishment less than a month ago, on December 24. Only 10 days passed from the modest launch celebration for the baklava and knafeh place on the main street of Beit Ummar, a town north of Hebron, before its 25-year-old owner was killed – shot in the head by a settler in the presence of soldiers. It was a shocking end to 10 days of happiness, to the fulfilment of a dream.The bereaved father, Abdel Rahman –...

January 15, 2021
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Settlers Hurled Rocks at the Palestinian Farmer's Head. His Age Didn't Deter Them - Israel News

Settlers Hurled Rocks at the Palestinian Farmer's Head. His Age Didn't Deter Them - Israel News

Oct 22, 2020Oct 22, 2020 Oct 22, 2020Oct 22, 2020At home on the outskirts of the West Bank village of Na’alin, an elderly farmer, Khalil Amira, is nursing a head wound he suffered when settlers stoned him while he harvested olives in his grove – in front of his daughter and grandchildren. About an hour’s drive south, in the village of Jab’a, two other aged farmers are lamenting the damage wrought to their olive trees by other thugs. And these are only three recent examples of the dozens of Palestinian harvesters who are being assaulted on their lands on an almost daily basis.Automatic...

October 22, 2020
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Israeli Soldiers Raid a Palestinian Village at Night, Terrifying Residents – for Training Purposes - Israel News

Israeli Soldiers Raid a Palestinian Village at Night, Terrifying Residents – for Training Purposes - Israel News

Oct 11, 2020Oct 11, 2020 Oct 11, 2020Oct 11, 2020The whole story in brief: Dozens of Israel Defense Forces soldiers stage a nighttime raid among the houses of a tranquil Palestinian village, some of whose inhabitants are fast asleep, as part of a training exercise. The troops don’t enter any of the homes, but wander about, armed, in backyards and streets, peeking through windows and terrifying the occupants. The IDF would never dream of behaving like this in any of the nearby Jewish settlements – a nocturnal drill in Maskiot? Combat exercises in Mehola? – certainly not without permission...

October 9, 2020
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