Adrian Morrow
Adrian Morrow
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No end in sight for U.S. protests

No end in sight for U.S. protests

Includes clarificationWashington and san joseThe U.S.’s most widespread protests since the civil-rights movement in the 1960s continued to grow Monday despite unprecedented measures to shut them down, spreading from major cities to suburbs and towns a week after George Floyd’s death.State and local authorities struggled to respond to the upheaval in more than 140 cities, which has laid bare the country’s failure to adequately deal with institutional racism and police brutality.More than 20 states and the District of Columbia have called in the National Guard and at least 40 cities have...

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Political infighting intensifies as U.S. protests against George Floyd’s death continue

Political infighting intensifies as U.S. protests against George Floyd’s death continue

Washington and san joseU.S. President Donald Trump is putting pressure on state and local governments to crush the country-wide demonstrations sparked by the death of George Floyd, a black man killed by a white police officer in Minneapolis last week.Amid an escalating crackdown on protests against police brutality and racism, the United States is being gripped by political paralysis and infighting as America’s leaders struggle to resolve the crisis.The most widespread protests in the U.S. in five decades have spurred no consensus on either the reforms necessary to address protesters’...

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Ottawa plans to retaliate after Trump imposes tariffs on aluminum

Ottawa plans to retaliate after Trump imposes tariffs on aluminum

Washington and ottawaU.S. President Donald Trump has started a new continental tariff war, reimposing tariffs of 10 per cent on most Canadian aluminum that Canada will match with tariffs of its own.“In response to the American tariffs announced today, Canada will impose countermeasures that will include dollar-for-dollar retaliatory tariffs,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Twitter on Thursday evening. In a statement, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland described Mr. Trump’s move as “unwarranted and unacceptable.” She did not say if the retaliatory tariffs would affect only U.S....

August 6, 2020
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Canada is now the only Five Eyes member to not ban or restrict use of Huawei 5G equipment

Canada is now the only Five Eyes member to not ban or restrict use of Huawei 5G equipment

Ottawa, toronto, london, washingtonCanada is now the only member of the Five Eyes intelligence-pooling alliance that has not barred or restricted use of equipment from Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. in its 5G networks after Britain changed course on Tuesday and banned the Chinese telecommunications giant’s gear.The federal government is giving no indication of whether it will and its other Five Eyes allies – , Australia and New Zealand – and freeze Huawei out of supplying the super-fast 5G cellular technology, despite renewed calls from the opposition parties and mounting allied pressure.On...

July 15, 2020
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What Michael Flynn’s case reveals about the U.S. justice system

What Michael Flynn’s case reveals about the U.S. justice system

WashingtonNearly 2½ years ago, Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, the first former Trump administration member convicted in Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian meddling in U.S. politics.Now, in a sudden about-face, the Justice Department has dropped the charge, arguing that the ex-national security adviser’s statements to the FBI did not matter because they were inconsequential to the investigation and he had done nothing wrong.In between these two moments was a legal battle by Mr. Flynn to change his plea and a push by President Donald Trump to have him exonerated.To...

May 9, 2020
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Canada to retaliate with $3.6-billion in measures against U.S. over aluminum tariffs

Canada to retaliate with $3.6-billion in measures against U.S. over aluminum tariffs

Ottawa, washingtonThe federal government will impose retaliatory measures valued at $3.6-billion on the United States in response to new tariffs on Canadian aluminum that President Donald Trump announced this week.Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said the retaliatory tariffs will take effect in 30 days, after Ottawa consults Canadians on what to target.Canada is releasing a list of possible products, many of which include aluminum, such as washing machines, refrigerators and golf clubs. Canadians will have until Sept. 6 to send comments to the finance department.After Canada has...

August 7, 2020
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Trump ‘didn’t really like’ Trudeau, ordered TV attacks from staffers, alleges upcoming Bolton book

Trump ‘didn’t really like’ Trudeau, ordered TV attacks from staffers, alleges upcoming Bolton book

WashingtonU.S. President Donald Trump “didn’t really like” Justin Trudeau, a new book alleges, and ordered his staffers to disparage the Prime Minister on television talk shows after the G7 summit in Charlevoix, Que. – in part because Mr. Trump wanted to appear tough to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.The episode is outlined in The Room Where It Happened, the memoir by John Bolton, Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser. In the book, Mr. Bolton himself also unloads on former prime minister Jean Chrétien for suggesting Canada release Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou to appease the Chinese...

June 19, 2020
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President Trump criticized over ‘incompetent’ response to coronavirus pandemic

President Trump criticized over ‘incompetent’ response to coronavirus pandemic

WashingtonPresident Donald Trump is facing growing criticism over his handling of the new coronavirus pandemic as he continues to play down its seriousness, the U.S. severely lags other countries in testing for the infection and congressional leaders tussle over a relief package.The frustration with the White House mounted a day after Mr. Trump announced a travel ban on 26 European countries – a move public-health experts said would be ineffectual in stopping the virus and former vice-president Joe Biden described as “xenophobic” – but failed to unveil measures to stem infections in the...

March 13, 2020
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U.S. will not release stored AstraZeneca COVID-19 shots to other countries, White House says

U.S. will not release stored AstraZeneca COVID-19 shots to other countries, White House says

WashingtonThe Biden administration is refusing to allow AstraZeneca to export tens of millions of unused doses of its COVID-19 vaccine, despite a plea from the Canadian government to import the shots in a bid to bolster Ottawa’s lagging inoculation drive.The U.S. has not yet authorized the British-Swedish drug-maker’s vaccine for use, but is nonetheless insisting that all shots the company produces in the country be kept off the export market. Canada and the European Union, meanwhile, have approved the vaccine, but cannot access the supply in the U.S.Much of AstraZeneca’s American stockpile...

March 13, 2021
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Climate, pandemic and economy on the agenda as Biden and Trudeau meet Tuesday in effort to renew ties

Climate, pandemic and economy on the agenda as Biden and Trudeau meet Tuesday in effort to renew ties

Getting audio file ... Audio for this article is not available at this time. This translation has been automatically generated and has not been verified for accuracy. Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden are aiming to reset their countries’ alliance in a virtual meeting this week, replacing the acrimony of the Trump era with co-operation on climate change and trade. But the Prime Minister has so far been stymied by the U.S. President on major bilateral files – including access to COVID-19 vaccine supplies and the Keystone XL pipeline. That raises questions about whether Mr. Trudeau’s friendly...

February 22, 2021
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