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Air Force Academy Holds ‘Transgender Visibility’ Seminar

Air Force Academy Holds ‘Transgender Visibility’ Seminar

ADVERTISEMENTSHAREThe United States Air Force Academy on Thursday held a seminar promoting "transgender visibility and awareness in our Air Force."The "discussion" session focused "on awareness for transgender communities in the military," according to a copy of an invitation for the event obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.Events of this nature are part of a wholesale push by the U.S. military to foster a more culturally inclusive environment. Critics say this type of training is part of a woke cultural agenda that is being mainstreamed by the Democratic Party’s far-left flank. The...

September 26, 2022
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Anti-Israel Soros Groups Cash In on Coronavirus Relief Funds

Anti-Israel Soros Groups Cash In on Coronavirus Relief Funds

ADVERTISEMENTJ Street and NIAC take taxpayer cash to fuel anti-Israel, pro-Iran agendaSHARETwo anti-Israel groups bankrolled by liberal billionaire George Soros accepted as much as $1.3 million from the Trump administration’s coronavirus relief fund, public records show.The far-left Middle East advocacy group J Street and the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), a pro-Tehran group central to Iran’s propaganda efforts in America, both accepted loans from the Paycheck Protection Program.J Street, which has consistently criticized the Trump administration for its pro-Israel agenda,...

July 7, 2020
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Congress Backs Australian Call for Investigation Into China

Congress Backs Australian Call for Investigation Into China

ADVERTISEMENTBipartisan consensus emerges that China must be held accountableSHAREA bipartisan delegation in Congress is showing support for the Australian government's call to investigate China over its cover-up of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a letter sent Thursday to the Australian ambassador.China has already threatened to boycott Australian goods and take other punitive measures against the country after Prime Minister Scott Morrison called for an independent investigation into the Communist Party's efforts to censor information about the virus and destroy medical samples...

May 7, 2020
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Omar Attacked as Insufficiently Anti-Israel

Omar Attacked as Insufficiently Anti-Israel

ADVERTISEMENTPro-Palestinian activists, paleocons attack Omar over support for maintaining Iran arms embargoSHARERep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) is under fire from an unlikely group—the anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian activists who once hailed her as their movement's biggest star.Omar, who has championed anti-Israel causes from her perch in Congress, recently signed on to a congressional letter urging the Trump administration to ensure that an international embargo on Iran's purchase of advanced military equipment is not lifted later this year. In a rare display of agreement with her Republican...

May 8, 2020
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Former Iranian Hostage Slams Biden for Abandoning Him in Tehran

Former Iranian Hostage Slams Biden for Abandoning Him in Tehran

A former Iranian hostage who was tortured by the oppressive regime slammed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden for abandoning him and other detainees while the Obama administration pursued the landmark nuclear deal with Tehran.Nizar Zakka, a Lebanese national who was detained in Iran from 2015 to 2019 on charges he spied for the United States, lashed out on Tuesday at Biden after the former vice president accused President Donald Trump of treating Egyptian president Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi as his "favorite dictator.""With all due respect Mr. Biden, I don't think you are well-positioned...

July 15, 2020
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China Never Reported Existence of Coronavirus to World Health Organization

China Never Reported Existence of Coronavirus to World Health Organization

Contrary to claims from both Chinese officials and the World Health Organization, China did not report the existence of the coronavirus in late 2019, according to a WHO timeline tracking the spread of the virus. Rather, international health officials discovered the virus through information posted to a U.S. website.The quiet admission from the international health organization, which posted an "updated" timeline to its website this week, flies in the face of claims from some of its top officials, including WHO director general Tedros Adhanom, who maintained for months that China...

July 2, 2020
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Cruz Seeks to Shut Down Chinese Propaganda Station Phoenix TV

Cruz Seeks to Shut Down Chinese Propaganda Station Phoenix TV

ADVERTISEMENTNew legislation aims to combat China’s dissemination of communist propagandaSHARESen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) is set to unveil legislation that would stop China's Communist Party from exploiting loopholes in U.S. laws that critics say have enabled it to beam propaganda into America through a radio station connected to a state-controlled press organ, according to a copy of the legislation exclusively obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.Cruz's bill, the first of its kind, was sparked by the purchase of a radio station connected to Phoenix TV—an outlet owned by the Chinese...

April 24, 2020
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Chinese State Media Warns Country Will Interfere in U.S. Election

Chinese State Media Warns Country Will Interfere in U.S. Election

ADVERTISEMENTSHAREChina is threatening to meddle in the upcoming U.S. presidential election as retribution for a flurry of American lawsuits seeking to hold Beijing accountable for the spread of the coronavirus.The Communist Party "won't just strike back symbolically, but will impose countermeasures that will make them feel pain," according to the , an outlet controlled by the regime.The threats come as outrage grows over China's handling of the coronavirus outbreak in the country and the subsequent global spread of the virus.China also is threatening to sanction several leading Republican...

May 14, 2020
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In Landmark Speech, Pompeo Says China is World's Biggest Threat 

In Landmark Speech, Pompeo Says China is World's Biggest Threat 

ADVERTISEMENTPompeo seeks to build international coalition to combat Communist visionSHARESecretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday identified China as the world's greatest threat and called on Western nations to unite against Beijing as part of a global effort to eradicate the Communist Party's growing control of the international order.In one of his most significant foreign policy speeches since taking office, Pompeo railed against the Communist Party's gross human rights abuses, cyber espionage operations, and routine bullying of Western nations. Pompeo said the world must immediately...

July 23, 2020
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Congressional GOP Introduces Largest Package of Iran Sanctions in History - Washington Free Beacon

Congressional GOP Introduces Largest Package of Iran Sanctions in History - Washington Free Beacon

ADVERTISEMENTBill aims to handicap Biden admin's diplomacy with Iran, send message to regimeSHARECongressional Republicans unveiled on Wednesday what they described as the largest package of Iran sanctions in history, a largely symbolic move meant to handicap the Biden administration's diplomacy with Tehran and send a message that GOP lawmakers will not roll over as crippling economic sanctions on the hardline regime are lifted.The legislation, dubbed would formally codify the Trump administration's tough sanctions campaign on Iran and force the Biden administration to submit any revamped...

April 21, 2021
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