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Unemployment as a Political Crisis

Unemployment as a Political Crisis

ShareLabelsThe US Second-Quarter Gross Domestic Product by 32.9% in annual terms as of June, erasing years of economic growth and as many jobs as had been created . The unemployment rate has risen from 3.8% in February to 13% in May and it continues to rise. As unemployment has risen so too has the national ability to settle liabilities. Without stimulus checks or unemployment insurance, as many as are at risk of being evicted from their homes.To combat the initial shock, Washington Unemployment Insurance (UI) by $600 and extended it to many people who would otherwise not be eligible. Among...

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"The Deficit Myth" by Stephanie Kelton, a Review

"The Deficit Myth" by Stephanie Kelton, a Review

ShareLabelsOn June 2nd, 2020, the Washington Post that Republican senators Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and James Lankford (R-Okla.) wanted to eliminate Columbus Day and replace it with : a holiday celebrating the liberation of Texan slaves two years after the Emancipation Proclamation. This may seem uncharacteristic for two Republican senators. However, the Post reported they wanted the "exchange" because it would save money (or, more accurately, not raise federal spending). If the federal government were to add a holiday without subtracting one, it would add  to federal spending in...

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A Habitable World is on the Ballot

A Habitable World is on the Ballot

ShareLabelsOn May 26, 2020 the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of American published an ---recently featured in the ---about the continued and deleterious effects of climate change.According to the report, roughly 1% of Earth currently experiences average temperatures of >29 degrees Celsius (84 degrees F)-- but by 2070, over 1/3 of people on earth will be subject to those temperatures. What's more, that 1/3 happens to be incredibly poor and therefore unable to respond adequately. While 84 degrees Fahrenheit does not seem too bad, remember this number is an...

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