When I challenged the high tech flim-flam man behind the Hamilton 68 Russian bots tracker, he ducked my questions. Then his fans asked me if I was a Russian asset.By Ilias Stathatos“Nothing is as evil as what Russia manages to pull off… We [Americans] just focus on extremists. Ev...
Clint Watts' World: How America’s top Russian disinformation expert pushes disinformation to justify censorship - The Grayzone Read more

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July 4, 2018
Everything checks out as far as I can tell on this little expose. This once again points to the total lack of curiosity in an industry where skepticism and due diligence should be expected. If you can play a crowd these days and get a book ghost written for you the future is bright, or so it would seem. The author does a good job of pointing out the opportunism and entitlement of people like Clint Watts who unfortunately thinks he should be able to cash spew BS he knew all along he could never back up. This also exposes the "think tank" influence our country has been under for decades, and how they influence both public opinion and policy. Think(inside the box)Tanks are another way bribes are being misconstrued as speech and how a tiny handful of plutocrats can create fear and anger in order to manipulate policy or just plain escape accountability for their actions while rendering the citizenry powerless on everything but wedge issues. Funny how their are so many hit pieces out there on people who question societal norms or the current authority, yet not enough of them on charlatans like Clint Watts and his DC/MIC/surveillance state ilk.
July 4, 2018
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