WILLIAMS: Capitalism vs. Socialism
July 1, 20183 min read692 words
Published: July 1, 2018  |  3 min read692 words
Several recent polls, plus the popularity of Sen. Bernie Sanders, demonstrate that young people prefer socialism to free market capitalism. That, I believe, is a result of their ignorance and indoctrination during their school years, from kindergarten through college. For the mos...
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Pure Opinion
July 1, 2018
In 2 seconds i came across a glaring error. 2/3 of the federal budget does not go to SS and medicare/medicaid and food stamps. Obvious propaganda is obvious. This whole article just fawns over capitalism while arguing against this "socialism" boogeyman that the author made up. It drifts between social programs like SS and full economic systems at the will of the author in order for him to make arguments when theyre convenient. He doesnt define socialism rather he assumes the reader already shares his biased attitude towards it. Apparently Social Security and Medicare is the SAME THING as the National Socialist German Workers Party because they both have socialism in the name. NEVERMIND that the nazis were right wing fascists who didnt emphasize any of the social programs pushed for in social democracies. Nevermind them not having the slightest thing in common with modern democratic socialists. Easy smear is easy so hes gonna make it. At the end he does something rather stupid in inviting his audience to debunk his entire article. He asks them to rank countries in the world by closer to free market capitalist or closer to communist and then to rank them by per capita GDP and Freedom Houses Freedom in the World report. Yet when you do this who will be at the top? The US a free market country. And.......... THATS IT. Every other country at the top of that list is a social democracy with a strong private sector and strong social programs and safety nets. The EXACT thing he was arguing against in the first paragraph is launched to the top of the very list he told us to make. I thought spending on social programs was bad Walter? Yet now you have your audience seeing first hand that every other modern nation on earth has these programs, has STRONGER programs, and has a bustling free market economy to boot. Good job champ
July 1, 2018
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