Bernie Sanders becomes first candidate, Republican or Democrat, to win popular vote in all three early voting states
February 26, 20202 min read465 words
Published: February 26, 2020  |  2 min read465 words
ShareBernie Sanders made political history Saturday and solidified his front-runner status atop the Democratic presidential candidates with his Nevada caucuses victory, becoming the first candidate from either party to win the popular vote in all three early states in a competiti...
Bernie Sanders becomes first candidate, Republican or Democrat, to win popular vote in all three early voting states Read more

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Factual Error
February 27, 2020
The headline is false. The author qualifies the headline's claim with "in a competitive primary," but it's not clear what that means. A primary with no competition? A primary with few competitors? Not only did Al Gore win the popular vote in the first three primaries of 2000, as the author notes, he won the popular vote in every primary that year, including more than 20 before his only competitor, Bill Bradley, dropped out. (I understand authors typically don't write the headlines.)
February 27, 2020
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Surface Level
February 27, 2020
Makes the announcement that Sanders won the popular vote in the first three in the 2020 democratic primaries. It's a little surface level, but contains cited quotes from his follow-up speech. I think the delegate counts are out of date even now (still before the South Carolina Primary). Here's an NPR article with the current counts:
February 27, 2020
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Great Context
February 27, 2020
A true story that for some reason is not acknowledged by the majority of mainstream corporate media. Glad to see Newsweek make what should be uncontroversial, factual statements about the historic results of the recent primaries.
February 27, 2020
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Surface Level
February 27, 2020
The article is a bit surface-level, but the piece itself is balanced and it is one of the only articles I've seen written about this historic win for any Democrat or Republican in the first three contests.
February 27, 2020
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February 27, 2020
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February 27, 2020
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