Cash-strapped farms are growing a new crop: Solar panels
February 26, 20207 min read1399 words
Published: February 26, 2020  |  7 min read1399 words
PublishedFeb 18, 2020TopicShare/RepublishThe Kominek family farm is a green expanse of hay and alfalfa in northern Colorado. The family has planted and raked crops for half a century, but as yields declined over recent years, the farm began losing money. In late 2017, Byron Komin...
Cash-strapped farms are growing a new crop: Solar panels Read more

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Well Sourced
February 27, 2020
Very in-depth, and an all around great read. The excellent sourcing of research gives weight to the early results that the article lays out. It also does a good job of weaving technical info into the story, while still being easy to read.
February 27, 2020
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Well Sourced
February 28, 2020
A decently deep article into a new practice of placing solar panels on farms, intermixing them with crops. It has nice links out to other articles for those who want a really deep dive into the topic. Overall, a seemingly reliable article on a very cool new green optimization.
February 28, 2020
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February 27, 2020
Detailed examination of a new business opportunity being pursued by Colorado farmers, including an in-depth look at other businesses in other regions that have made similar choices & the many regulatory factors involved
February 27, 2020
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Well Sourced
February 27, 2020
This is a great journalism piece. It brings excellent context, helpful investigation, good quotes, and mentions researches and projects related to it. The article offers a significant overview of the fact, and the subject is clear even for me that have never heard about it before.
February 27, 2020
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February 26, 2020
One of the best articles I've read in a while. This investigative piece sheds light (no pun intended) on a niche combination of solar and vegetable farming. I hadn't even considered this as a strategy for land use and an economic answer to some of the financial troubles facing farms around the world. Very worthwhile read.
February 26, 2020
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Well Sourced
February 27, 2020
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February 27, 2020
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