Soaring Cost of Clues Leaves Thomas Friedman Apparently Unable to Buy One - FAIR
June 28, 20185 min read1083 words
Published: June 28, 2018  |  5 min read1083 words
How does this man still have a job? I wish the NYT would hire me. I’m not sure I could match his stupidity, but I’d try my best.How does this man still have a job? I wish the NYT would hire me. I’m not sure I could match his stupidity, but I’d try my best.Patents are not inherent...
Soaring Cost of Clues Leaves Thomas Friedman Apparently Unable to Buy One - FAIR Read more

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July 1, 2018
Baker offers much more significant explanations for the decline in manufacturing jobs in the last 10-15 years.
July 1, 2018
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Hit Piece
June 28, 2018
This is an opinion piece that borders on being a 'Hit Piece' on Thomas Friedman. Author Dean Baker delivers several 'Strawman' attacks, and they're so frequent throughout the article that the bigger problem for me is the framing of the entire piece- an attack on Friedman as an individual rather than attacking his arguments without being emotional and sensationalist.
June 28, 2018
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Pure Opinion
June 28, 2018
This points out just how little curiosity some folks at the NY Times can have and still keep their jobs. Friedman is not this ignorant of a man which really shows just how badly captured our press is in the US. Either by carrot or stick, this was a total whitewash attempt meant to divert dissent away from policy choices our so called "leaders" have made over the last 40-50 years. It's too bad incomplete poorly researched stories like Freidman's didn't get edited and scrutinized at the Times before it was published so other's wouldn't have to point out just how misleading they truly are to the general public.
June 28, 2018
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