Facebook Kills 'Trending' Topics, Will Test 'Breaking News' Label
June 1, 20181 min read251 words
Published: June 1, 2018  |  1 min read251 words
·June 1, 2018, 3:27 PM UTC is doing away with its trending news summaries at the top of your home page.The company has announced it will after a four-year trial. Facebook says the news feature wasn’t popular with users.“We introduced Trending in 2014 as a way to help people disco...
Facebook Kills 'Trending' Topics, Will Test 'Breaking News' Label Read more

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Surface Level
June 1, 2018
This article leaves me with more questions that answers. What are the key differences we should expect with 'Breaking News'? How will it affect publishers? I read the article hoping to learn more and took away the same thing I would have if I'd only read the headline.
June 1, 2018
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Appeal to Authority
June 3, 2018
The statement that 80 publishers will have access to the "breaking news" label based on FB's judgement as to who is credible and who is not is very troubling indeed. Once again we see a corporate entity desperately trying to control what it's "customers" see, hear and read in order to form their opinions by using the excuse that, "people don't check the sources of information". You're seeing some "corporate magic" as far as FB's non solution to an age old problem and Mr. Morris's lack of curiosity surrounding how FB actually chose the eighty publishers they did as well as what gives FB the expertise in the first place to determine the validity of the publisher's source. Mr. Morris is giving FB credibility and expertise it does not have.
June 3, 2018
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June 1, 2018
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June 1, 2018
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