Trump breaks with decades of protocol with tweet before release of jobs report
June 1, 20186 min read1199 words
Published: June 1, 2018  |  6 min read1199 words
This article was published more than 4 years agoCommentGift SharePresident Trump on Friday shattered several decades of protocol — and possibly violated a federal directive — by hinting strongly that the monthly U.S. jobs report would be a rosy one 69 minutes before its rele...
Trump breaks with decades of protocol with tweet before release of jobs report Read more

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Lack of Reliable Sources
June 4, 2018
Clearly a political hit piece which you can tell by the sources used and their red team/blue team comparisons. Very little effort was made to back the claims made in the title or the article itself as far as legal opinion goes or even a balanced political opinion. The article meanders away from the actual economics as well as any actual damage done by Cheeto's statement to the markets, which are just as speculative as this story and the platform that published it. You can also see the attempt to brand Cheeto at the end of the piece by insinuating that this is the only administration in history that has ever attempted to control information or how information is portrayed in the press. Once again we see the interest of for profit elitist profiteers override public service by inflicting its own agenda upon the reader instead of just reporting what happened and how it effects the reader. The stock market is a fraudulent ponzi scheme anyway and the jobs report was barely mentioned nor dug into which would have been the best way to constructively criticize the administration. However, doing so would reveal the dishonesty the press has used for years when reporting upon employment. The media has painted itself into a corner with it's propaganda production and self seeking monopoly tactic to the point it cannot honestly point out the worthlessness of the jobs report or "headline" unemployment number and how meaningless it is to the average citizen. If you look into the past employment of both authors you can plainly see they are careerist following orders to write yet another political hit piece for their corporate masters.
June 4, 2018
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Hit Piece
April 26, 2019
I agree with reviewer David B. that much of this article is meant to serve as a hit piece, with little evidence to support the claims and some poor and somewhat misleading comparisons/analogies for readers.
April 26, 2019
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June 1, 2018
Despite the title that makes it seem like the article is Trump related click-bait, there's some good information on the Bureau of Labor Statistics report and some reporting on different takes on the data.
June 1, 2018
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