Reddit bans The_Donald forum as part of major hate speech purge
June 29, 20203 min read640 words
Published: June 29, 2020  |  3 min read640 words
Reddit says it is banning its controversial subreddit channel r/The_Donald, one of the company's largest political communities and a longstanding hub of support for President Trump, along with 2,000 other subreddit groups and users that violate new content policies aimed at hate ...
Reddit bans The_Donald forum as part of major hate speech purge Read more

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Surface Level
June 30, 2020
Does an okay job of summarizing everything. They didn't really give much context around the lead up to this, or what the company's decision making was in the past. It would be difficult to follow what's happening on Reddit right now without already knowing what had happened before.
June 30, 2020
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Red Herring
July 1, 2020
Thousands of accounts were removed, and The Donald is the banner headline for hate speech. However, article also says that most accounts were inactive, and that a popular leftist subreddit (ChapoTrapHouse) was also deleted despite it NOT being involved in hate speech. Article makes some strange handwavey reference to CTH being involved in "similar" speech, though as someone who has visited that subreddit many times, it definitely does NOT qualify as hate speech. We are only getting half the story here, and IMO this is yet another example of social platforms waving the "hate speech" flag to remove obvious offenders, while also sweeping up a fair number of legit alternative views that are NOT violating hate speech rules. Why this happens is the stuff of conspiracy theories, but they all seem to relate to leftist groups who are critical of western govt foreign policy. The real story here is why ChapoTrapHouse is being deplatformed along with The Donald, unfortunately that is not covered and article suffers loss of journalistic credibility as a result.
July 1, 2020
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1 Comment
June 30, 2020
This does not really give any context, and it only presents one side of the discussion. While they summarize what Reddit said, they do not provide the information about the persecution of right leaning subreddits for YEARS.
June 30, 2020
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