How killing the nuclear deal could make it easier for Iran to pursue the bomb in secret
May 8, 20189 min read1859 words
Published: May 8, 2018  |  9 min read1859 words
This article was published more than 4 years agoCommentGift ShareVIENNA — In the three years since the start of the Iran nuclear agreement, a cluster of buildings near the Austrian capital has served as an unblinking eye over Tehran’s most sensitive factories and research la...
How killing the nuclear deal could make it easier for Iran to pursue the bomb in secret Read more

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May 8, 2018
The best quality of this article is the author's (Joby Warrick) ability to apply context to this trending issue. Without knowing what the Iran Deal actually does, you could lose interest or be misguided on how to approach the issue. With great quotes from officials of IAEA, CIA, former state department, Arms Control Association, Secretary of State and more, there was only one piece I wish Joby could've dove into more: the evidence given by the Prime Minister of Israel that Iran has been expanding their nuclear capabilities. There were no links or reasons given as to where Israel got this information.
May 8, 2018
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April 26, 2019
I particularly appreciate this articles description of the IAEA activities in Iran. Knowing the details helps highlight what the Iran Deal was able to achieve and the access the UN is trying to hold on to.
April 26, 2019
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May 8, 2018
This article does a great job of outlining the benefits of the Iran Nuclear Deal, what we can expect if it's dismantled by President Trump, and the argument brought by those in favor of dismantling the agreement. Author Joby Warrick remains objective and presents the information in a thoughtful way, so that any reader new to the subject could understand. The information and observations made available by the IAEA's efforts is paramount to the safety of the region. People against the agreement, such as Benjamin Netanyahu, claim that Iran is cheating even though the IAEA and U.S. Intelligence Agencies continue to state that Iran is fully cooperating under the deal's terms. I believe that destroying the agreement will give the U.S. military the ability to invade Iran in coming months under the guise of "self-defense", an invasion that both the U.S. military, Isreali military, and mainstream media have been cheerleading for years.
May 8, 2018
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